Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes

"soft link" for cam chain? 78CB550


Hey Everyone.  Good to see that there is still a community for these old SOHC's since greenspun went down.  Err. well, sorta went down.

Anyway, I'm replacing my cam chain/tensioner on my 1978 CB550.  It was a good surprise to look at brand new pistons as I opened it up - no wear at all.  But for my question:

I've heard from numerous CB550 owners in person, and read a few posts regarding replacing the cam chain.  Instead of splitting the case, it is possible (or so I've been told) that you can simply break the old cam chain, put a "master link" or "soft link" on and join the new chain to the old, then feed it around so that the new chain fits over the sprocket on the crank and then once it's fed all the way around, you simply take out the old chain, replace the "soft link" or "master link" with the normal chain.

My question is:  Can anyone verify this?  Has anyone done it?  It makes perfect sense that I can do this.

Second question: What tools do I use?  The guys at my local shop had never heard of a chain breaker before.  From what little I know of them I need to get one that perfectly fits my cam chain.  Any ideas where to start looking?  And also where to get a master link? 

I guess third question:  Are the joining links called "master links" or "soft links" or something different?

Anyway, hopefully someone can help!



yup done that before on  a  1976 550 CB F

 1) I'm not a native english speaker, so my technical language is really limited. Sorry for that.

 If you do not want to split the chain, you are going to need a lot of work.

 you may use a "soft link" from a 400CB (if i'm correct, the 400 cb has a 3rd gear and needs a soft link while replacing the chain). it has the exact same size. (at least in Europe)

 you will need

 a new 550 cam chain (it comes in one piece)
 a softlink with NEW pins (400cb)
 some string or rope
 a proper tool to eject/insert the softlink  pins (see picture)
 white out or a marking pen
 a beer

 split the new chain by ejecting  one pin
 remove tank (easier to work)
 engage a gear
 remove top engine to access cam chain
 select one link to be splitted

 SECURE the cam chain with 2 strings (you DO NOT want the chain to fall into the bottom engine)
 mark each side of the splitted link with whiteout to mark the old chain,  and mark the gear to be sure your are going to re-position the cam/chain as it was before.

 remove one pin on the old chain with the  proper tool (pin ejector???) the same tool will be used to put it back.
 Do not use a hammer and a screwdriver: if you damage the softlink or the chain, you are going to be really sorry.
 have somebody holding the two string while the chain is detached.

 while holdind the strings,  let the chain go down a little bit, then deplace on the side to go off the bottom gear.

 at one end of the old chain, attach the new chain with a new "soft link"

 attach an other string at the end of the new chain. remove the one which is in the middle of the chain now.

 place the new chain back in place, taking an absolute care to  not displace/rotate the cam

 the whiteout marked spot tells you were is the new chain/old chain
 now you have the new chain in place. change string to attach it to the new chain. remove last pin  between new and old chain.
 attach one end with the other to have the new chain linked.  done.

 Be aware that displacing the head cam alone (without having the Pistons moving) will be a disaster, the pistons will punch the valves, and you'll kiss your engine good bye.

 remove safety string. 
 inspect visually.
 clean out the whiteout.
 place back top engine
 Have a beer....

 hope it will help.
 If trouble to understand my english, ask again.





Hey Thanks for the info.  I've already got the engine mostly apart, so it shoudln't be a problem putting it back together, and by breaking the chain I won't have to split the case.

Thanks again,



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