I checked the archives but I'm still not clear on this. I'm installing dyna coils (DC8-1) on my '77 CB750F2. I chose the 5ohm coils because i'm keeping the points and I've heard about charging problems with the "hotter" 3ohm coils. Anyway, the instructions suggest mounting them with the secondary towers (where the plug wires meet the coils) pointing down and back. If I mount them that way, the plug wires touch the valve cover in a number of places. Do I have to worry about any heat or other issues with the wires resting on the valve cover? Also, the instructions say that the primary wires (one blue, one black with white stripe to the coil that fires plugs 1 & 4; one yellow, one black with white stripe to the coil that fires plugs 2 & 3) can be attached to the new coils on either terminal "as they have no polarity." Is that correct? Finally, how the hell do I know which plug wire goes to which plug? I know one coil fires 1 & 4 and the other fires 2 & 3 but does it matter which wire goes to which plug? I hate electrics (mostly because I don't understand them). Pictures of installed dyna coils on a CB750 would be great if anyone has them/can point me to some.