Author Topic: Thinking About Buying a Yamaha SR250 For a New Rider's First Bike  (Read 1582 times)

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Offline OldSchool_IsCool

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I'm looking for a first bike for an "in-seam challenged" friend.  Here is a link to a bike I'm considering:



I have exchanged a few emails with the owner.  He told me that the tank had some rust and pin hole issues which he repaired with products from Eastwood.  I'm thinking his price is a little high, even for a perfect example of this bike.

What do you think?
Can I have a motorcycle when I get old enough?
If you take care of it.
What do you have to do?
Lot’s of things. You’ve been watching me.
Will you show me all of them?
Is it hard?
Not if you have the right attitudes. It’s having the right attitudes that’s hard.