Thanks, guys for the welcome. yeah, the more I find out about the CBs the more I find out about the CBs. It seems like all my neighbors had one back in the day, everybody from work can tell me about a CB or a CR or a trail50 they had- sort of OT, but related in a way....
Quick update: I got her running today! Worked over the holiday weekend on the ignition system. The PO had the timing knackered and some wiring/splice problems. Got that all sorted out, but all the contiunual attempts to fire had drained the (new) battery. So I charged it over night and ... IT FIRED RIGHT UP! Mucho kudos to the knowledge contained in this forum, between SOHC4 forums, Clymers, and Google, I'm a shadetree wrench!
Of course like I said before, now that I have gone through it, I realize that there is a TON more to go through. Modern brakes, bearings and bushings, more ignition/wiring and switches, wheels/tires, paint and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Gotta figure out what I can ride and do and what can wait until winter....
There was mention on here somewhere about a pancake run other than the Cassoday thing. I used to do Cassoday about 7 years ago- so I'm not too interested in that. But, someone mentioned a run to the South/East (from Wichita). Anyone got details? I should be GTG by Independence Day.
Thanks again- even if you didn't think you helped- sometimes just being the one that didn't know anything and ASKED a question- you helped out. Thanks all.
Now how do I get a Gallery.........?