I just finished my first rebuild with the help of a good friend, his first also(rookies). Changed out the base gasket, new rings, head gasket and all the others on the way up. Put her all back together and tried to start..........nothing. She just kept turning over. I was getting spark but no gas was getting into the cylinder. Then used the timing light and it seem to be firing with the F. We thought it could be three things..timing(off 180), carbs(left upside down for 3 weeks and never emptied float bowls) or to many beers!!

I really didn't want to take the carbs all apart, so we read over the manual again. After reading the static timing section we realized that the piston was not TDC!! Mind you, did not state this in the camshaft assembly(had to use the FAQ section of the forum,thanks SteveD CB500F for the info), where there is also instructions to set the crank to T, line up the camshaft notch and the two holes on the sprocket. I thought that was all there was to it. Dumbasses. We opened her up again put the piston to TDS, lined everything up and reassembled. Threw the gas tank on, turned the key and "the old gurl" fired right up like nothing. What I want to know is what do I do next? I know there is a break in period, but what should I look out for? How long do you take it easy on her? Does the oil have to be changed any sooner?
THANKS, this forum has been HUGE help....