Ok, has anybody had this experience? Ok, Michigan guys (Merc, do you want in on the SOHC4 mailing list? Email me!)....I'm in the process of moving from Grand Rapids to Spring Lake..the other day, I rode in (about 30 miles) for the first time...riding in was nice..cool and relaxing...by the time I rode around town all day and rode back, I was trashed! My back hurt, and I've always had a problem with my legs cramping, and when I got off in Spring Lake, My hips felt splayed out, as if they were coming out of joint! I put a windshield and highway pegs on, and that's helped some...I'm willing to put up with it when I'm going on a real ride, but does anybody else have these problems? Are these bikes that uncomfortable, or is it just me?
A friend with a shadow has really been giving me crap when I don't ride every day!