I had looked forward to an opportunity, now fairly lost, to discuss the growing trend of states now charging sales tax for out of state purchases. We had a thread, but it dropped in to the Bridge of Death and not knowing the capital of Assyria, I did not make it across. ;-) I look forward to that glorious day in which a discussion of side stand use can devolve -- in fewer than 4 posts -- into a discussion of how the War in Iraq is a ruse to make Dick Cheney rich (true or not, and a legitimate discussion for heated debate).
I know that Texas is now charging tax. Who else knows of states that are charging tax, and how much? The thing is, I live in New York, and I'm guessing that we charge taxes for out of state purchases, but I wouldn't know because it doesn't affect me.
What I do know is that our state income tax form now requires a figure for untaxed out of state purchases. Without incriminating myself, I know this guy who does most of his purchases online, and usually runs up a good number in this category. He's not keen on Internet taxation, especially because a purchase from Texas would actually be taxed by both Texas and New York. If Texas charges only a 3% rate, this means that my friend would always run an extra 10% on Texas purchases.
What my friend does is this. He figures that his income level and age put him into an IRS profile that does a fair amount of Internet purchases. He does not keep a tally of all Internet purchases. Instead, he uses a random number generator to come up with a reasonable figure. Note that humans are absolutely incapable of creating their own random numbers. The IRS flags returns that have suspicious groupings of numbers that seem non-random. (For those who are picky, random number generators do not produce truly random numbers. Instead, random number generators produce numbers that are "pseudo random;" however, these numbers can easily be as random as can be determined by an external source.)
It'd be cool to keep a running FAQ about Internet taxation because many of us could share info that would save us bucks. Also, for those of the truly motivated type, I'd like to know where I can sign petitions to tell my state and Congress to keep their laws off my money. Wishing that I still lived in the fair land of New Hampshire,
I am,
P.S. I truly hope that I have not offended anyone. Please do PM me if you feel at all that I have.