Here is a picture of Cylinders 1 and 2: And here is the head:

It's my birthday.

Thought that I would drag this thread out of the moth balls and give some updates on my slow, but steady progress.
The head is almost done. The wonderful Mr. Mike Rieck sent me some progress pics. You can see the before's up above, here is the current:

The head is all sand blasted and ready to be bored out. I just need to get the overbore kit first (Christmas is coming...).

The carbs are still in a bit of a state of disassembly waiting waiting for a bit more cleaning. I'll probably run K&N pods and a four into one pipe (possibly a four into two), and with the over bore kit, too, I'll probably have to replace my slow jets, so I'm debating on whether to spend the time cleaning them out or not. I probably will anyway... knowing me.

SO, here are my plans, as grand a delusional as they may be:
Go for the Cafe style.
Get the engine together. - Building a good, stout, street engine. I have no plans to race it.
- Mike's wonderful work on the head.
- Cycle-X 850 overbore kit
- Proper cam to take advantage of both
- Dyna Ignition.
- Either Kerker or Benji pipes
Clean up and strengthen the frame.
- Stiffen a few spots
- Paint it a nice color - not sure what yet, but not black...
Updated suspension.
- I want to get a more modern front end at the very least. And preferably a better swing arm as well.
- Modern tires on modern rims (I know that people
love spokes, but I prefer mags).
Decide on what Tank to use.
- Could use the stock tank, but it would need work - fixing dents I don't wants - putting in ones I do...
Decide on a seat.
- I have a spare seat for my Ducati Monster. I think it could look killer,
but it would mean slight frame mods and tank mods to get it to fit.
- Or I could build my own seat. Hey, I've done it before.

Anyway, that's the update on my K8 build. I decided to call it "Project Parts-Bike." My wife says I can't call it that since I am not parting it out. But that's not entirely true. I currently have one of the foot pegs off the K8 on my F1, and I have plans for getting the front disk on the F1 as well as part of a dual disk set up (If I run a different front end, I won't need the disk for the K8 anyway).