Well, I've had some successes and failures today.
I was finally able to make it out to the garage and start getting my engine together. The lower half went together really well.

After the case halves were together, I was getting the new HD studs installed, using the old double nut technique, and one of the nuts slipped out of my fingers and shot right into the engine. It was kind of one of those one in a million shots that I never would have been able to make if I had tried. The nut shot right into the cylinder hole, right past everything and made it through the smallest hole in the walls of the lower half and landed right in the transmission.

I was thinking that the only way I was going to get it out was to take the case halves apart again. As it turned out, by tipping the engine forward and to it's right, the nut slid right out the oil pan opening. YEESSSS!!!! After that, I took a bit more precaution and covered up the openings.

As I was working on this, the mail lady showed up and delivered my tank!!

The tank had been repainted with a really good rattle can job. I'll probably strip it down before it's painted, but it's in really nice shape. I also got my new tank mounting rubber pieces as well.
That's when the set backs started really setting in. I was getting the new pistons installed (Cycle-X 850 kit), and one of the wrist pins retainers jumped and dropped right into the engine.

FORTUNATELY, it shot right through the opening into the oil pan hole and onto the table.

Hole got covered up again...
When it cam time to the slide the cylinders down on, though, I was having troubles getting the rings all compressed and in jugs. After fighting with the first two for over an hour, I decided to try a different tack on getting them in. That's when I broke a ring...

It's really depressing that, after I finally got a chance to work on getting this engine together, now it is on hold again while I wait to get a new set of rings.
Oh well. I guess that means it's time to work on other things...