As the bike had been messed up when I bought it -and the wire loom butchered- I don't know what is the standard configuration. When I bought it, the front blinker stems were used as headlight bolts, and therefore the additional hole in the fork ears was unused.
By following brochures and magazines of the time, the blinkers should be installed in the hole of the fork ears, leaving the front fork for the headlight bolt. Fair enough. That's when the problem begins.
If I follow the parts manual, the blinker stem is secured just by a spring washer and and nut. The blinker gets the negative from the blinker body. Therefore, I should sand the paint around the washer and nut to let the metal be in contact with the fork ear. If I do that I can't guarantee a good ground connection, because the rest of the fork ear is also painted and hold in place by shock rubbers.
In some of my multiple CB350 purchases I got two nuts with a cable attached. That would be perfect because you could put that wire to ground inside the headlight shell. But if I check the parts manual again, that nut belongs to the headlight housing. For some markets, the headlight didn't have a thread machined so it had to be secured by that nut, and I guess they were using the blinker stem as headlight bolt.
But the woes doesn't stop here. If I use that nut with the cable attached, I can't use it to tighten the blinker stem, therefore I should have to rotate the blinker stem and in such a way I can't make it to stop at the right position, where the lens is facing forward. Also, the parts manual shows that there is a plain washer, a spring washer and a nut. Where does the plain washer belong to? To the blinker stem, before inserting the assembly into the fork ear? Or maybe on the opposite side, inserting first the stem through the headlight ear, and then inserting the plain washer, spring washer and nut in the opposite side?
Thanks in advance for your help.