My neighbor gave me a bike that sat for 4 years. Stuck clutch. Once I got the engine running, I warmed up the old oil & changed it. Filter too. (Spilled oil all over the garage floor, but that's another story.) Put in new oil, new filter. Started the bike & warmed it up. Detergents in the new oil cleaned out the clutch. After a few minutes (once I felt the engine was warm) I shut it off, kicked it in gear, and started to rock it back & forth with my feet while I sat on the bike. After another few (maybe 10) minutes of this, I was able to push the bike around the garage in gear while holding the clutch in. Not exactly "free", but a lot better than before. At this point I started it up, held the clutch in, and kicked it into first. The bike gave a jerk, but didn't take off & didn't stall out. Clutch was now free. No teardown, no engine work beyond an oil change.