I'm glad I found this discussion thread. I'm in a real bind - about to leave on a road trip and unable to successfully mount my sissy bar.
Bike: 1979 Honda CB650
Sissy Bar: Purchased along with the bike, not mounted, told it was "original".
I iniitally attempted to mount the sissy bar to the bike and it looked like it would work. It seemed that the rear mounting hole on each side should go onto the bolt where the rear attach-point for the grab bar is. It also seemed to me that the front mounting hole on the each side should go onto the bolt where the rear suspension pivots are. This almost works, but the fit is just not right. Specifically, the front mounting extension is too wide, and the rear mounting point seems a bit too narrow.
Q1: Should I first remove the grab bar and mount the sissy bar only, without the grab bar? Or does the grab bar go back on over the sissy bar?
Q2: Do I need extra mounting hardware, some sort of spacer-nut maybe for the front pivot points?
I'll try to take some pics and upload those, but that'll take a while and I'd appreciate any suggestions in the meantime.