Author Topic: Hey Heff, where's the July nominations thread then? EDIT: HERE IT IS!!!  (Read 12067 times)

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Offline RRRToolSolutions

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Strong, rough? I'm an old fart that's turning 50 next year. We have our deep-rooted opinions you know. :)

I will generalize a little more by saying I think this cafe trend is more from the younger set. Me, I grew up in the late 60 and early 70's dreaming of owning one of the many bikes I'd see in the pages of magazines and in dealer showrooms. I ate, drank, lived for reading the new issue of Cycle World and any other magazine I could scape up change to buy. These bikes were the absolute "holy grails" of my dreams.  I liked their flashy paint schemes, badges, and chrome. I liked their factory given character in almost every way and still do to this day.

This is a place to express my vote or preference for one bike or the other. I did that and will always prefer the bikes the way they were, so to speak. I'm sorry and didn't mean to offend. Please don't expect me to like or vote for bikes cut-up and changed beyond recognition. It's that recognition and history which moves my soul and keeps me into vintage bikes.

Ever thought of taking a poll? I wonder how many vintage Honda or Yamaha cafe owners today are under 40 years of age. I would guess most. I think you'll find that those of us that grew up on these and had them in our dreams would be a lot less likely to take a grinder to one and bolt-on plastic parts. Again, I think it's more about what you hold "dear".

Sam, I love the CR by the way and am reminded of the pages those bikes filled in the race sections of each monthly issue.

Thanks for the feedback.

Kaws, Hondas, Yamahas, and Suzukis - especially Kaws

Offline bill440cars

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       My take on the deal, is this: (and I've got several that fit both categories BTW)

            If I've got a bike that is pretty much all there and could be restored (or close to it), I'll go for
       it. If I can't afford to restore it, I might consider putting it up for sale. Of course you can't
       control what the buyer might do to it though. So, what do ya do?

            If you've got a bike that's pretty ragged and would be pretty costly to restore, then you
       could either build a custom or cafe it. Plus there are some who take off stock parts, put them
       aside and build the bike w/ the capability of putting it back stock, if they wanted to.

            You see, I've got 3 74' 450 bikes (2-CBs & 1-CL) 1-CB isn't really what I'd call resto material,   
       while the other CB and the CL are pretty close and I'll try to bring them close to it.
             I've also got a 73' CB500K that is pretty close to reso material in my opinion and I'm gonna
        try to do it.

                                                             Later on, Bill :) ;)
Member # 1969
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Offline CrisPDuk

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Hold on a minute, shouldn't this discussion be in another thread ???

I'm sure Heff's told us off for side-tracking the nomination threads before :-\

PS: Yes I know I'm as bad as everyone else ;D
Education: Elitist activity. Cost ineffective. Unpopular with Grey Suits. Now largely replaced by Training."

1978 CB550 K3
1985 H100S

Offline heffay

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actually, i was just enthralled by the conversation.   8)

i think a good cafe picks up where honda or yam or trisuki left off...
Today: '73 cb350f, '96 Ducati 900 Supersport
Past Rides: '72 tc125, '94 cbr600f2, '76 rd400, '89 ex500, '93 KTM-125exc, '92 zx7r, '93 Banshee, '83 ATC250R, 77/75 cb400f

Offline CrisPDuk

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In that case I'll just add to Bill's point with this:

We should all just be happy and thankful these old bikes are in still use, on the road, and giving enjoyment to whoever owns them, whether they be mint or ratty, stock or cafed ;D

Peace and love brothers, peace and love ;)
Education: Elitist activity. Cost ineffective. Unpopular with Grey Suits. Now largely replaced by Training."

1978 CB550 K3
1985 H100S

Offline nickjtc

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Perhaps I've missed it...  but I nominate Sam and Chris's CR750.

Cor, look at that bike. Yummy. :-*
Nick J. Member #3247

2008 Triumph Tiger 1050
1977 Suzuki GS750

"That which does not kill us reminds us to wear proper motorcycle clothing...."

Offline bill440cars

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          I figure that, a modified bike is kinda like an owner's signature, ya know. While I DO appreciate a fully restored bike, I also enjoy seeing the ingenuity and craftsmanship that is displayed on these forums.

                                                  Later on, Bill :) ;)
Member # 1969
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Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
                  Dakota LE 4x4 '66 CB77 & '72 SL350K2
Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!

Offline xtalon

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Strong, rough? I'm an old fart that's turning 50 next year. We have our deep-rooted opinions you know. :)

I will generalize a little more by saying I think this cafe trend is more from the younger set.

I tend to agree Gordon, but again, not always the case.  I'm not too far behind you.  Turned 41 this year.   :P

Me, I grew up in the late 60 and early 70's dreaming of owning one of the many bikes I'd see in the pages of magazines and in dealer showrooms. I ate, drank, lived for reading the new issue of Cycle World and any other magazine I could scape up change to buy. These bikes were the absolute "holy grails" of my dreams.  I liked their flashy paint schemes, badges, and chrome. I liked their factory given character in almost every way and still do to this day.

Thanks for that.  I always enjoy hearing how people first got into motorcycling.  We are not too different in this respect.  I remember going to bed at night when I was around 6 years old with a fold up Honda sales brouchure for a blue CL450 Scrambler.  This was probably early to mid 70's, but then something happened.  In the late 70's or early 80's, I saw 500cc GP bikes blasting around the high banks of Daytona on ABC Sports or something similar.  Roberts, Spencer and others dragging their knees through the corners.  It looked unreal and I was hooked!   ;D

This is a place to express my vote or preference for one bike or the other. I did that and will always prefer the bikes the way they were, so to speak. I'm sorry and didn't mean to offend. Please don't expect me to like or vote for bikes cut-up and changed beyond recognition. It's that recognition and history which moves my soul and keeps me into vintage bikes.

I have absoultely no problems with opinions unless they are vicious and yours certainly wasn't.  If people hate cafes, that is fine and I can even understand.  It was just the generalizations of the owners of such bikes that rubs the wrong way.  It's like saying because I am white, I can't dance and have a small penis... of which, only one is true.   ;)

Ever thought of taking a poll? I wonder how many vintage Honda or Yamaha cafe owners today are under 40 years of age. I would guess most. I think you'll find that those of us that grew up on these and had them in our dreams would be a lot less likely to take a grinder to one and bolt-on plastic parts. Again, I think it's more about what you hold "dear".


An excellent idea!  I'll see if I can figure out how to create a poll if someone hasn't already.  I'm sure your 'cafe/younger set' generalization will prove more true than false, but I bet you will be surprised too.


Edit:  Here's the poll I created --
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 09:05:42 AM by xtalon »
1976 Honda CB750K
2006 Yamaha R6v
2009 Ducati SportsClassic Bi-posto

Offline 6pkrunner

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Guess I'm a slightly older pharte than some - 55 this year. When these bikes were new I couldn't stand to see a stock version. At that time when a fresh one was as close as the dealer's showroom, a stocker showed no individualism from the owner. For us, they remained stock only as long as the warranty was valid. Action Fours, Pops Yoshimura, and later Russ Collins all had catalogs begging to be ordered from.

Fast forward to today and for me, to see them as they were on the showroom floor now takes me back to those days just like a time machine. But this is just my take on it. I can well appreciate the time, effort,money and labor of love that is put into all versions of the bikes.

Offline RRRToolSolutions

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May I suggest one other pole asking for the age groups who would never own one and feel the factory appearance is a major factor in their intrest of a particular vintage bike?

6pk, xtalon, others - thanks for cutting me some slack. I do and did get "too" emotional in my initial post. I should keep my negatives to myself - I just hate seeing these things cut-up beyond recognition. It's a obsession on my part, I admit. I should add that I am so obsessed with vintage bikes that I am and have been a VJMC member for many years and am today the SC state rep for our national club. We are active and work to preserve the history and restoration of these vintage bikes.

I assure you I eat/sleep/live for stock colors and appearances. I do like "period correct" racks, headers, chambers if they were part of their history. As you see in my green H2 drag on the left, I have no problem making swingarms, adding old-style clubmans, and custom seat over the stock pan, chambers, and an old Dunstall looking fairing to an old classic. You can bet your house that I never touched the frame and the original pieces are all powdercoated and stored safely away for return to original if desired one day. I have 2 other completely stock ones and I wanted to taste a heavily modified Mach IV. The Honda CB was the same way - I did not want stock performance, but my heart couldn't touch Honda's original appearance.

The words of an old, opinionated, fart --


« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 07:44:14 PM by Ilbikes »
Kaws, Hondas, Yamahas, and Suzukis - especially Kaws

Offline CrisPDuk

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Wow :o

Are they all your bikes Gordon ;D

If they are I'm so envious it's untrue :-\

Do you mind if I use you as an example of a typical bike owner for MrsD ;)

PS: For the record, my own CB is on the way to being mildly cafed, because I like the look, but there's no way I'm carving any bits off my frame, and all the original stock parts, including the tank and side covers will be safely tucked away in case I fancy a change in the future :)

Education: Elitist activity. Cost ineffective. Unpopular with Grey Suits. Now largely replaced by Training."

1978 CB550 K3
1985 H100S

Offline RRRToolSolutions

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Uhh, we've hi-jacked the thread.... :)

Chris, yes that's part of them. I have several more that are restored and just won't fit in my building. They stay in my garage/shop. I've got others waiting on their turn to get TLC in a public storage building. Here is my current project and shop -

I told you I was stuck on originals and had it real bad.


Kaws, Hondas, Yamahas, and Suzukis - especially Kaws

Offline toycollector10

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Nice bikes Gordon.....

How would someone go about the new thread?/poll?  The thread that links the age of the individual to the preference for stock as versus cafed or chopped.

I think you would find that us GHOF's (grey haired old pharts) prefer stock by a huge margin because when we rocked up to the Honda dealer the sight of that shiny, chromed, badged stock bike will never be forgotten. It was magic as far as I'm concerned and I can just about remember the smell of the damn things. (Makes a mental note: probably best not to give away too much of ones mental state on the forum      :D)
1969  CB 750 K0
1973  CB175
1973  Z1 Kawasaki

Offline Sam Green Racing

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Well thank you guys, I feel honured and I accept  ;D.... If any of you recall, Art Sparty did a SOHC4 calender early in the year and guess who is the pin up boy (old man) :D for June....might be a good omen  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sam. ;)

P.S. Nice bit of photography Steve ;)

« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 12:51:04 PM by SamCR750 »
C95 sprint bike.
CB95 hybrid race bike
CB95 race bike
RS 175. sprint/land speed bike
JMR Racing CB750A street ET drag bike

Offline CrisPDuk

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Is nobody going to second the nomination for Justin's bike then?

That's a bit harsh fella's it's a pretty cool lookiing machine :)
Education: Elitist activity. Cost ineffective. Unpopular with Grey Suits. Now largely replaced by Training."

1978 CB550 K3
1985 H100S

Offline Sam Green Racing

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I looked Noel, where is it supposed to be ?

Sam. ;)
C95 sprint bike.
CB95 hybrid race bike
CB95 race bike
RS 175. sprint/land speed bike
JMR Racing CB750A street ET drag bike

Offline CrisPDuk

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Morning Sam, hows it going?

It was nominated by Neil Young but he did it in the wrong thread so I posted a link to the nomination on p2 of his thread ;)
Education: Elitist activity. Cost ineffective. Unpopular with Grey Suits. Now largely replaced by Training."

1978 CB550 K3
1985 H100S

Offline doug_id

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Is nobody going to second the nomination for Justin's bike then?

That's a bit harsh fella's it's a pretty cool lookiing machine :)

Hi Cris,   I have looked in other thread but don't see a pic of the bike......can someone post one here?

02 Concours
78 CB550
06 Stella 150 2t Scooter

Offline CrisPDuk

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Education: Elitist activity. Cost ineffective. Unpopular with Grey Suits. Now largely replaced by Training."

1978 CB550 K3
1985 H100S

Offline Bob Wessner

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Justin's bike.

We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline doug_id

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I second the nomination of Justin's bike   ;D
02 Concours
78 CB550
06 Stella 150 2t Scooter

Offline heffay

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hey guys... this is a very thought out thread and i won't intrude w/ the "hey, you can't talk about that" crap.

but, do try to keep on track.

anyway, i've asked one of the other mods to take over the task of the voting poll for this month as i am having major malfunctions w/ computers these days.

i'm still here and hope to get to chat it up a bit more once the computer stops being a *&^# ^*&*$  %$^&*& $#^&^  ()*&^@@$

on a better note... i got to go visit dad for father's day lunch while he was on break from teaching an MSF course  :)  ... hopefully, he enjoyed our 30 minute visit... i know i sure did... and my hour and a half trip each way.   8)
Today: '73 cb350f, '96 Ducati 900 Supersport
Past Rides: '72 tc125, '94 cbr600f2, '76 rd400, '89 ex500, '93 KTM-125exc, '92 zx7r, '93 Banshee, '83 ATC250R, 77/75 cb400f

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         Well, I'm nominating once again going to nominate 6pk's 750F, cause that is one Sweet Ride, especially if you could have seen what it went through to get to where it is now! 8) ;)

                                                        Later on, Bill :) ;)

SORRY stock guys.........My bike looked about like this when I bought it, not that clean by any means but mostly there. Could have been restored, but....
The thing about common sense is that, it's not that common.

1978 CB750F SUPERSPORT 850cc, cam, porting, dyna ign, cr29's lotsa elbow grease and $$'s. Worth ever penny!!  (S0ld)

05 VTX1800F darkside
cb750 k1

Offline WJL75

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When is the voting thread going to show up?

1976 CB550K Cafe

Offline SteveD CB500F

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On its way.

In the meantime, I have the following nominations:

Bob Wessner
Justin McGuyver (needs second + acceptance)
Sam CR750 (needs acceptance)
Justin (needs acceptance)
6pk (confused - is this accepted or not)

I'll put the poll up. If any of the above post their acceptance (or point me to the one I missed) then I'll add it to the poll. You can change your vote so no big probs.

SOHC4 Member #2393
2015 Tiger 800 XRT
1971 CB500K0 (US Model)