Back in 1960 or '61, riding down a rough, sandy, and gravel road in Twenty Nine Palms, California, with my best friend on the back of the seat. There was a small desert sand embankment on the edge of the "road."
He said into my left ear, "Man, you are good at this, I trust you where I would never trust anyone else." I turned my head to the left, trying to look at him,....... I said, "What?"
The front wheel went funny in my hands.......... I turned my head back just in time to hit that ebankment at about 45 MPH............... Everything went out from under me........The view looked like I had just been shot out of a vertical canon......... As I'm flying through the air, I see my friend hanging on to the seat strap, going along on the motorcycle with no one up front driving.........
I get lucky and land in a bunch of soft sand......... Get up and see my friend still hanging on,....... no one up front............ bike finally goes down behind some bushes........ I'm running, fearing for my friend's safety........... as I get closer, I hear him laughing........
When I get around the back side of the bush, he's on the ground rolling and laughing.......... I said "What in the hell are you laughing at?"
"Oh man,.......... did you look cool............... you took off over the handlebars like Superman............... Can you do that again?"

~ ~ ~ jaknight ~ ~ ~