Well, they're on but I'm not that please with the result TBH. The area which should be clear to see through to the base colour isn't very clear at all. Every new bike I've seen in the dealers are OK - is it because I have a very light colour that they show a bit cloudy? You can see between the black feathers on the wing. Also, I didn't use any soapy water as I'd marked up the position with tape and was happy to lay them against that and apply direct. I don't think the soapy water does anything other than allow you to place the decal so that shouldn't change anything.
Anyway, they're on, but I wish I'd bought some vinyl ones off ebay on a carrier paper and just used those. Now they are on they are well stuck, so although I'd rather take them off and bin them, I'm a bit concerned about getting them half off and ending up with a right mess.
I probably will replace them, but for now they're on. Live and learn
anyway, the stripes are ace!
regards, Phil