Author Topic: Left front turn signal Problem  (Read 3496 times)

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Left front turn signal Problem
« on: June 13, 2007, 09:04:37 PM »
Hey, Guys, I was just finishing touches to my bike, by adding new front and rear turn signals (LED's). I first started with the rear
since they were easy with succses, I then proceded with the front, here is where the problem is, when I was trying to remove the stock left singnal I pulled too hard and when I felt the tug that I gave the wire , I was like Oh NO!! , I then turn the key to on
position to see what I did , the signal son , but when I swith the swith to turn left, the front light turns off and the left rear
just stays on, when I swith to right turn no problem the rights front and rear work perfect, How can fix this left signal to work
please help..........Raul from Long Isalnd N.Y.C

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2007, 09:53:13 PM »
You've disconnected the wiring to the signal somewhere. Possibly it is just a bullet connector inside the headlight shell.
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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2007, 07:04:07 AM »
 Hey! Nickjtc  I know what you are saying, the signal just stayed on , so I completly took off stock signal to see if new signal would work,  when I connected new one
it did the same thing, it just lights up, but when I switch signal to left on handlebar it cuts off , and when I switch back to middle , the left signal just stays on. I hope
im explaining myself correct, it's a little hard to discribe. Thanks for the reply...
You've disconnected the wiring to the signal somewhere. Possibly it is just a bullet connector inside the headlight shell.

Offline Bodi

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2007, 07:43:49 AM »
It depends on the year, but later models (like post '73 or so?) have front marker lights and turn signals, using dual filament bulbs. The markers are on with low beam only, off with hi beam. The turn signal switch also controls the markers, if you signal right the (dimmer) right marker filament goes off and the (brighter) signal filament flashes. Most LED bulbs use a dimmer circuit and one set of LEDs, so "marker" is the same light just dimmer than "signal".
It sounds like you've pulled out or broken the wire for "signal", but "marker" is OK. In the headlight shell they are light blue and orange (left/right or right/left) for signal and orange with a white stripe and light blue with a white stripe for marker.

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2007, 09:39:05 AM »
 Do I check for wires inside light shell.. Thanks Bodi.......
It depends on the year, but later models (like post '73 or so?) have front marker lights and turn signals, using dual filament bulbs. The markers are on with low beam only, off with hi beam. The turn signal switch also controls the markers, if you signal right the (dimmer) right marker filament goes off and the (brighter) signal filament flashes. Most LED bulbs use a dimmer circuit and one set of LEDs, so "marker" is the same light just dimmer than "signal".
It sounds like you've pulled out or broken the wire for "signal", but "marker" is OK. In the headlight shell they are light blue and orange (left/right or right/left) for signal and orange with a white stripe and light blue with a white stripe for marker.

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2007, 06:11:04 PM »
 I checked the connections they are all there, the problem is the LED's , with the stock one's the signal blinks, no problem the
big problem is when I put the LED's they turn on , but do not blink. So I connected by the stock and it work fine, I dont know why it
wont work with LED"s..  :-[
You've disconnected the wiring to the signal somewhere. Possibly it is just a bullet connector inside the headlight shell.

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2007, 06:24:57 PM »
Did you replace the blinker unit?  LEDs won't work with it.The stock blinker unit relies on current to work.  The LEDs draw considerably less current than the stock bulbs.  Where did you get the LEDs?  They should be able to help.
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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2007, 06:50:00 PM »
 Thanks 333 for the fast reply, As you can see Im a newbie, I got the LED's from a suzuki and yamaha dealer, I dont belive that they would be any help. I think that the blinker unit you are talking about? is it right behind to the right side of the headlight is a black small box, with a silver cover in front it with little holes , because if it is , the last owner cut the wires, but the signal lights was working , before I installed led's
Did you replace the blinker unit?  LEDs won't work with it.The stock blinker unit relies on current to work.  The LEDs draw considerably less current than the stock bulbs.  Where did you get the LEDs?  They should be able to help.

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2007, 06:58:49 PM »
Try this:

What Bike are we talking about?
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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2007, 06:59:49 PM »
I think that is the signal beeper.
The flasher is in with the other electricals, it's a small matal rectangular thing on a rubber mount with 2 wires. Replace it with a 3 terminal electronic flasher like a Trico EP-34 and the LEDs will flash. The stock flasher needs "real" lamps to work properly. The flasher should have the terminals marked, E is ground, B or X is power I think, and L should be lamps. If you have an ohm meter, the 2 terminals that show zero ohms between them are power and load (the same wires the stock flasher has connected) and the other one is ground, there should be a green ground wire hanging loose beside the stock flasher that connects to the ground terminal.  If you connect the power and load wires and it doesn't work just swap those 2 wires and it should.

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2007, 07:11:12 PM »
  according to my link.
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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2007, 07:43:21 PM »
 It's a 78 cb750k ,
Try this:

What Bike are we talking about?

Offline Black Hercules

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2007, 08:41:50 PM »
 The thing is the signal lights have 2 wires , see pictures!! also where would I find the flasher im confused is it inside the headlight housing or is it somewhere near the headlights..sorry for the stupid question, but im losing my mind , because im dieing to ride my bike that i purchased last year and
I have done so much to it including plates and insurance, and I can not ride the bike in New York City , without turn signals, around here its's very dangerous. So I hope that Im explaning myslef right..

 Rear Led's 2 wires

  Front Led that Im having problems with also 2 wires
« Last Edit: June 14, 2007, 08:46:13 PM by Black Hercules »

Offline 333

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2007, 07:25:36 AM »
I'm not too familiar with the 78, but it should be under the left side cover.  It also might only have 2 wires going to it.  As Bodi said, you'll need to replace it with a 3 wire unit.  The one he suggested is on that link I sent you.  You should be able to get one at your local auto parts store.

Also, the LEDs you have look like they need to pick up the ground from where they mount.  Are they amber?  Where I live, they don't like to see amber running lights on the rear, so check it out.  If they're red, no problem.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2007, 07:29:55 AM by 333 »
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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2007, 10:39:54 AM »
Hey whats up 333, I just contacted the place where I purchased the lights, and they say that I need a resistor that is the same volts as my stock lights, that I can buy at a local
electronic store or hardware store , I will try and see what happens..
I'm not too familiar with the 78, but it should be under the left side cover.  It also might only have 2 wires going to it.  As Bodi said, you'll need to replace it with a 3 wire unit.  The one he suggested is on that link I sent you.  You should be able to get one at your local auto parts store.

Also, the LEDs you have look like they need to pick up the ground from where they mount.  Are they amber?  Where I live, they don't like to see amber running lights on the rear, so check it out.  If they're red, no problem.

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2007, 11:14:08 AM »
Probably the resistor and the hassle of wiring it up is worse than just getting the 3 wire flasher. The resistor will also get fairly hot, and the 1/4 watt ones usually used in electronics will just melt.
The picture shows green and blue wires. Green is almost universally ground, the front signals ground through the frame so you will need to connect green to the frame or misuse the orange - white and light blue - white wire as a ground and connect them in the headlight shell to green. You will not have marker lights without a fair bit of wiring, 2 resistors, and 4 diodes.
Either way, once you get the things wired up using the orange and light blue wires in the harness to the blue lamp wires and the green wire grounded, it should light with the turn signal switch.
The flasher is near the regulator somewhere if I recall correctly. Once you get a turn signal lamp on, disconnecting one flasher wire should shut both front and back off. Using a 3-terminal electronic flasher will get them flashing. You can buy fancy LED flashers for $$$ online or get the EP-34 or equivalent at an auto store for about $5.00, same result. You can buy "LED adapter modules" online too, they're just the resistor previously mentioned in an expensive box.

Offline 333

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2007, 02:02:29 PM »
Resistors come in Ohms, a measure of resistance, with an ability to handle current, measured in watts, and it takes a bit of electronic math to figure out exactly which one you need.  Your best bet is the flasher unit change.

The advantage of LEDs (Besides cool looks) is the low current draw they have.  Bikes of our era don't produce much electricity.  My 350F, with the headlight on(stock 35 watt), turnsignal on, and brakes applied, is making less electricity than it is using.  And I've upgraded the headlight to a 55/60.  As my bike progresses, I will be going with LEDs.  I am also considering a HID headlight.  The light output is as high or higher than a Halogen, and I am told they draw less current than a stock 35 watter.
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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2007, 04:58:36 PM »
 Bodi , I got flasher and installed , but onlly rear signals flash, not the front one's , but when handlebar signal is in the middle front stay on , I got a liitle confused on the last post that you wrote, but we are getting someway.... Thanks
Probably the resistor and the hassle of wiring it up is worse than just getting the 3 wire flasher. The resistor will also get fairly hot, and the 1/4 watt ones usually used in electronics will just melt.
The picture shows green and blue wires. Green is almost universally ground, the front signals ground through the frame so you will need to connect green to the frame or misuse the orange - white and light blue - white wire as a ground and connect them in the headlight shell to green. You will not have marker lights without a fair bit of wiring, 2 resistors, and 4 diodes.
Either way, once you get the things wired up using the orange and light blue wires in the harness to the blue lamp wires and the green wire grounded, it should light with the turn signal switch.
The flasher is near the regulator somewhere if I recall correctly. Once you get a turn signal lamp on, disconnecting one flasher wire should shut both front and back off. Using a 3-terminal electronic flasher will get them flashing. You can buy fancy LED flashers for $$$ online or get the EP-34 or equivalent at an auto store for about $5.00, same result. You can buy "LED adapter modules" online too, they're just the resistor previously mentioned in an expensive box.

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2007, 06:04:47 PM »
Well, I don't know exactly what you've done.
You may have connected to the marker light wires instead of the signal wires. I'm pretty sure you have LED turn signal units - not marker plus signal units. On each of the front ones the green wire from the new unit should go to ground or a green harness wire in the headlight shell - I don't think there are 2 extra greens there though (Honda green is ground, some bikes have rubber mounting for the headlight/signal subassembly and need an actual wire since the metal parts are not grounded because of the insulating rubber mounts). The blue LED wire connects to either orange or light blue in the headlight shell (depending on the side, I think orange is left but I'm not sure), you don't use the orange with white stripe or the blue with white stripe wires (these are the marker lights). If one front LED goes off when you move the signal switch to LEFT or RIGHT, you've used the marker wires. If they both go off you may have connected the LED between the signal and marker wires and the LED is somehow getting power in an unintended way. Your signal indicator lamp might light up dimly with signals off as well...?
But try using the solid color wires (orange and light blue) on the blue LED wires and grounding the greens.

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2007, 10:32:03 PM »
 Bodi , you are the man , I connected the green wires to the maker wires , I will disconect , and see what happens.. I took my bike out for a ride last night , and man was I turning heads around my neck of the woods, people round here do not see bikes cafed out , all you see here lots of harley's and who knows I might start a new trend that is old in long island. Thank you
so much , Im a newbie and I learn so much thru this forum , I want to also thank 333, you guy's know your Stuff. I just have to do a few more adjustments to the bike, but it looks and rides great. I have always loved honda cb750, can you belive that I first learn about cb750 in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC back in 1982 I was only 11 years old ,I lived there for a few years , and my neigboor had 2 honda cb750's and he just when up and down the block and sometimes would pop wheely's, that was love at first site for me. cb750's forever...................
Well, I don't know exactly what you've done.
You may have connected to the marker light wires instead of the signal wires. I'm pretty sure you have LED turn signal units - not marker plus signal units. On each of the front ones the green wire from the new unit should go to ground or a green harness wire in the headlight shell - I don't think there are 2 extra greens there though (Honda green is ground, some bikes have rubber mounting for the headlight/signal subassembly and need an actual wire since the metal parts are not grounded because of the insulating rubber mounts). The blue LED wire connects to either orange or light blue in the headlight shell (depending on the side, I think orange is left but I'm not sure), you don't use the orange with white stripe or the blue with white stripe wires (these are the marker lights). If one front LED goes off when you move the signal switch to LEFT or RIGHT, you've used the marker wires. If they both go off you may have connected the LED between the signal and marker wires and the LED is somehow getting power in an unintended way. Your signal indicator lamp might light up dimly with signals off as well...?
But try using the solid color wires (orange and light blue) on the blue LED wires and grounding the greens.

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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2007, 06:53:54 AM »
When someone comes to the forum with a problem, it's nice to know that the problem was solved.  Glad to hear that yours turned out OK.
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Re: Left front turn signal Problem
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2007, 10:05:28 AM »
333, Thanks you very much , I wish I could shake hands with you , are a mechanic or something?  because you hit my problem right on the head.  I wil for sure pass this info to someone else in need of help in the future. Peace Raul from Floral Park Long Island  N.Y.C....
When someone comes to the forum with a problem, it's nice to know that the problem was solved.  Glad to hear that yours turned out OK.