I've always liked chops, but it's getting so there are so many identical one-off-custom bikes out there it's ridiculous.
One of the reasons I rode the triumph so long was because it was unique, at a time when you -might- see another chop a month, it stood on it's own.
today it's normal to see a dozen cookie cutter bikes go down the road in a couple hours, most identical except for color, and it's the old 70/80 jap bikes or the stock hogs that catch your eye.
Last car show I went to (couple years ago) there were a few truly custom bikes there, but there were 5 identical bikes, except for color, not even a non-stock paintjob in the bunch.
Wasn't too long ago you could pick up sohcs, or any old bike other than an HD, pretty much for hauling them away, today it's not so easy to get them.