Managed to complete a few tasks at home in the A.M. yesterday and decided I had earned myself a couple of hours on the 750. We have a number of small airfields in our area, grass runways. There is one in particular I pass frequently. Yesterday I stopped on a road at the head of the runway to take a break and watch the flying. On this particular day two guys were doing some gliding. I watched them land and a few minutes later an ATV was towing the glider back to my end of the runway. One of the pilots shot me a hello and commented we had a great day for our respective pastimes. I said we sure do, but I told him he was probably having more fun. He invited me onto the field. We all chatted for a while, he asked about the bike and I had quite a few questions about gliding. Always thought it would be fun. I had flown with a co-worker an number of times years ago, in a small Cessna, which was pretty interesting as well. Even considered lessons at one point, but it's a pretty expensive hobby. I can only imagine the cost of avgas these days! Now gliders seem like something I could like. I prefer sailing to power boats also.
Anyway, he asked if I would be interested in going up as it was a two seater? Almost did, but I was running late as it was and didn't want to cut into the other pilot's time. They were alternating as passenger and pilot. None of us had anything to write on, but he said I could reach him through the field's/club's web site and he'd be happy to take me up another time. Just might do that. Interesting ride, interesting encounter.