I don't know about anyone else, but I eventually got tired of looking down at my yellowed, cracked and peeling levers. Last year some time, a member mentioned that Plasti-dip came in clear as well as colors. I had some black around, I had used it for some tool handles. I picked-up some clear and thought I would give it a try this past winter. I slit the old covering and peeled it off. Polished the levers then wiped them with some acetone. It seems to work pretty well and is holding up nicely. At least they look presentable until I happen upon an NOS pair.

A couple of tips, if you are going to use black as a substitute for the end caps, do the black first. Doing the clear, then the black, leaves a feathered look between the two. Thin the clear (you can thin upto 10-20%) and submerge and withdraw slowly to avoid any bubbles. The directions say you can recoat within 30 minutes, but I found if you do multiple coats (I used three to get what I thought would be a more durable cover) I would wait a day or two, otherwise you get some small bubbles that I think are being caused by out-gassing of the solvent from layers below.