Hi Guys, I have a '74 CB750 K4. During the "cold" months (if there is such a thing in The Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, Arizona), I use 10W40W.............. I read about 72 pounds at start up/warm up.
As the weather heats up here, like now at 114 degs, I have already switched over to 20W50W, and though the oil is thicker, the heat more than compensates for the oil viscosity change......... At engine start up, I am still reading the same, 72 pounds............ seems to balance out perfectly........
By the way, I have 26,750 miles on my 750............. just a thought........
I really feel that my engine needs the oil protection change due to the phenomenal heat here............ I think only Death Valley beats us out............

~ ~ ~ jaknight ~ ~ ~