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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2007, 01:36:56 PM »
by the way....  The bike was found under a tarp at 233 Del Norte st, eureka, ca

Offline xtalon

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2007, 02:05:44 PM »
I agree with RxmanGriff... write a letter/editorial to the paper.  Maybe they will publish it, maybe they won't.

Also, your city council should meet once a month.  This should be an open meeting and you should be entitled to speak.  You could go to this meeting explain your story.  The Chief of Police could possibly be at this meeting too.  They may not do anything, but you never know.  Maybe the Mayor and/or Council members (the Police Chief's boss) may not like how this has been handled either.  At the very least, it may help you get things off your chest (like you did here).  Of course, you could always come away more pissed than before you went.   ;)

Remember, government is 'supposed' to work for you.  You have more voice at the local level than anywhere else.

Here, I even looked this up for you...assuming you are from Eureka in the map above.   :)

The Eureka City Council regularly meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 5:30 p.m. for closed session, and 6:30 p.m. for open session. All meetings are open to the public, with the exception of the published closed session portion. Time is allowed during every council meeting for the public to address the council. The meetings are held in the Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of Eureka City Hall at 531 “K” Street, Eureka.

Good luck!


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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2007, 02:11:49 PM »
thanks xtalon!

I can practice on what I learned in speech class.


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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2007, 05:49:48 PM »
The down side to all this is the tow company is a business and really doesn't have to care what the government does/did. It could end up being cheaper to buy your bike back at auction.

Eureka, huh?! I was just there end of March. Perhaps an offering of a bag of buds to the council dewdmen? 

Seriously, unless the gov will pay off the towing company (not very likely without a law suit that drags on many years at $$$) you may be hosed until the auction. Make sure the towing company advises you when the auction might be or better yet have a friend track it so the tow company doesn't hose you a second time. It's not likely they can just sell it out right without a public auction.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)


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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2007, 06:13:32 PM »
Man that really sucks.

As the others have said let everyone know what you need and if I have a spare I'd be glad to help your cause.


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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #30 on: June 24, 2007, 09:46:11 PM »
I dont know. I think you should get it from the tow company and then find an action for a part off the bike and then bid on it, especially if it is buy it now. Then get an address and go to the suckers place and beat his ass and take back your parts.  GO VIGILANTE!!!!! What is he going to do, say the guy whos bike he jacked came and beat his ass?

Just my opinion but then I have no tolerance for bike theives.

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2007, 12:20:14 AM »
I have no tolerance for thieves full stop, Eldar >:(

My mountain of unused parts is all 550 Adam but yiur more than welcome to anything that was common to the 750 too :)

I'm hoping here now that some evidence turns up so we can unleash Firecracker on this guy's ass ;D
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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2007, 08:47:03 AM »
Man, Adam, there aren't words for how much that sucks.
All the work we put into our rides, I would be homicidal if it
happened to me!
Was the bike found very far from you?
Is there any thought that the thief may live near the place your
bike was found?
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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2007, 09:30:37 AM »
He likely does.  I will let police handle it...  not going to allow him to take me down to his level.

It is fairly small town, so a decent chance they will figure it out.

I am actually more pissed at the city about having to pay out the nose to get my bike back, than about some dumb #$%* who is basically too stupid to realize was an ass he is.

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2007, 09:42:34 AM »
I'm not litigeous by nature but you should talk to a lawyer.  My brother had his car impounded within an hour of his being hit by a cop in a high-speed chase that ran a red light following a suspect.  Put my brother in the hospital for a couple weeks, totalled his car.  He had the right-of-way.  They told him that to retrieve his personal effects from the car the cops totalled he'd have to pay for the week+ of storage, tow fee, etc.  Luckily we sent my mom to the west coast to take care of him when we heard, and not me or we'd have had to post bail as well.
To make a short story long, the lawyer was able to get that fixed and no cost came to my brother.  They will get away with as much as you let them but usually know when to stop pushing once a lawyer gets involved.
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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #35 on: June 25, 2007, 11:03:23 AM »
I live in the UK and maybe naive but where are your insurance company in all of this?

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #36 on: June 25, 2007, 05:26:14 PM »
I have whats called liability insurance only here in the states as the bike is 35 years old and technically not worth a hill of beans according to an insurance company.  This covers damage I may do to others, but does not cover the bike.

it would cost more than its worth to have full coverage.
I live in the UK and maybe naive but where are your insurance company in all of this?

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #37 on: June 25, 2007, 05:33:14 PM »
Write the letter to the local paper and you will get the best results for the money.  If you have the couple hundred to get a lawyer, you might as well pay the pricks.  >:(


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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #38 on: June 25, 2007, 11:20:55 PM »
no money for lawyer.  no money for tow guy either. >:(


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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2007, 12:32:45 PM »
I finally paid off the tow guy.  He was nice enough to give me a break at #200 instead of the over $500 it was supposed to be.

here's some shots of the damage

and here's a before shot


I think I am probably going to part it out on ebay since I don't have space to store it or time to bring it back up to speed.

thanks again for all your support.


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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2007, 12:44:02 PM »
Hi Adam,

So sorry to read your story.  I can understand your need to just cut your losses.

Hopefully an SOHC angel will grace with you with a "barn fresh" replacement for a couple Benjamins in the future.

-All the best

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2007, 01:46:21 PM »
Good to see you got it back Adam and sorry to hear you are unable to restore it to it's former glory.

It always saddens me to hear of another CB being broken for spares as it means one less CB on the road, also in this case the thief comes out on top.

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

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Offline cleveland

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2007, 04:37:23 PM »
Those bass turds!!!!

If you decide to keep it and fix it, I'll let you have what ever parts you need at a huge discount.  I would hate to see them get the better of you.

Looks like you would need to repaint, but I can't help you there.  ;)  You may be able to get the paint off that seat and the engine with mineral spirits.  It's will be a pain, but should be cheap.

You'll need to replace the R control, rear grab bar, left side cover, and oil lines.  Can you save the pods?  What else would you need? 

We are not the tow company or the cops, we have YOUR best interests in mind.  ;)



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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2007, 06:48:16 PM »
Those Fother Muckers!  >:( :'( :o

I'm on the other side of the country but I'd be willing to re-paint the tank and covers for you if no one closer steps up. (consider that a challenge guys)

Don't give up 'cuz then they win!

Offline CrisPDuk

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #44 on: July 05, 2007, 07:20:48 PM »
Twunts >:( >:(

I really, really, do not like thieves >:(

Looking at the positives, if the blue paint is either factory or was applied by a paint shop it will be fuel/solvent resistant, that grey sh!t looks like rattle can stuff, and won't be. Give wiping the affected areas over a try (taking the usually safety precautions obviously) before you give up completely on her.

I'd gladly offer you my R/H switchblock FOC, but it's fubared unfortunately:(

Just remember, with help from friends everything is fixable given time, and you've no shortage of buddis on here :)

I'm curious about one thing though, they obviously sprayed over the tank badges, and then removed them, what sort of a moron renders something worthless, then takes it anyway ???
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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2007, 07:34:54 PM »
Twunts >:( >:(

I really, really, do not like thieves >:(

Looking at the positives, if the blue paint is either factory or was applied by a paint shop it will be fuel/solvent resistant, that grey sh!t looks like rattle can stuff, and won't be. Give wiping the affected areas over a try (taking the usually safety precautions obviously) before you give up completely on her.

I'd gladly offer you my R/H switchblock FOC, but it's fubared unfortunately:(

Just remember, with help from friends everything is fixable given time, and you've no shortage of buddis on here :)

I'm curious about one thing though, they obviously sprayed over the tank badges, and then removed them, what sort of a moron renders something worthless, then takes it anyway ???

My thinking is that their first priority was to make it less recognizable...   the thing I don't understand is why hot wire it by destroying the kill switch?  you can unscrew the ignition switch, and all the wires are exposed for you to play with.... (also easier to fix)

the main issue  in my not endeavoring to fix it is that I have other things going on now, like being a full time student and studying woodworking to get into a woodworking school next year in Ft. Bragg, CA...    when I bought the bike 4 years ago and learned to ride it and fixed it up over a few years time, it was my priority and I threw lots of attention at it so that NOW (or at least a few weeks ago) I had a mostly complete very well running and reliable bike that I could ride with a minimal time commitment.

I have learned that I have to limit my interests (or hobbies) at any given time to just a couple or I end up being half-assed in my approach to all of them...  this is due to the limits of my brain.. I have witnessed folks who can do everything, all the time, and actually do it well .... multitasking is NOT my forte ;)

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2007, 07:38:40 PM »
Adam, Bay Area Brother, Sorry to hear about the loss. My opinion is to file a civil case against the police. Also, file another civil suit to regain the funds needed to repair the bike. This will force thier hand and they will have to open a criminal case and get prints et al. It is precisely this attitude that lets criminals know they can get away with anything.

Furthermore, I beg to differ with anyone who says all tow companies are crooks. The outfit I worked for for 5 years never charged a dime for stolen recoveries and still doesn't. Yes, there are some a-hole companies just looking at dollar signs but we were looking out for the customer. We always felt that the customer had gone through enough suffering and offered to tow the vehicles either to thier home or to a shop for repair. If the police had a suspect who was convicted, we filed a civil suit for recompense of our time and towing, it was only fair we thought. They stole it, let them pay to have it returned.

I miss having you here in the Bay Area, and was glad to have met you and rhonda when I did. My best to the two of you,

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2007, 08:03:30 PM »
I also am sad to hear what happened here Adam. This crazy state of our's is getting worse and worse (I suppose it can happen anywhere though). The cops are a joke!!! The bad guys are winning hands down and all us normal citizens pay through the ass. If you try to do anything to make it right....the cops can then screw with you. It just ain't right. I like to believe that bad things happen to bad people. Hope this guy gets his ass handed to him somewhere down the line. It would be cool if you find a way to keep your bike but if you have to part it out,don't let it go cheap because I know you have some cool parts there. Sometime in the future,you can get another one up and running. Good luck to you and Rhonda,Fred (mrbreeze)
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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #48 on: July 05, 2007, 10:18:54 PM »
I think your nice paint is still there.  Do you know what the paint compostion was of the turquoise?  Could be that it is resistant to solvents that the grey overspray will dissolve in.  Might be able to wash off the grey.  The next option is to buff off the grey with rubbing/polishing compound.

I suspect that if the paint was restorable, the rest of the bike would soon follow.

Yes, it's been fudged.  But, it doesn't look that bad.  I little fixin' here and there, and you're ridin again.

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Re: My pretty turquoise cb836k2 was STOLEN
« Reply #49 on: July 06, 2007, 05:48:19 AM »
Hey man - sorry about your loss!
I'll make you a deal - I'm painting my bike this winter (Black and Silver), or rather, my uncle is doing the painting, but I'm buying the paint.
If you will ship me the tank, I'll clean it up and have it painted for free!

F^$&ing thieves!  I hate 'em!

77 CB550K4