Kevlar is just the replacement for asbestos, non-sintered pads and shoes are the modern equivalent to stock ones. Some sintered pads are OK for stainless, I guess it depends on what metal bits they mix in.
I would use sintered front pads and kevlar rear shoes if these are actually worn much - the back brake doesn't do much and the shoes seem to last almost forever unless the bike had a rider afraid of the front brake (not a rarity).
Changing the rear shoes can be difficult - if the drum is worn much it should be resurfaced and there's not a lot of iron in there to work with - the maximum diameter should be stamped on the inside of the drum well on the rim... don't exceed it! A shop that will/can turn bike wheel drums may be a challenging find.
Even if smooth, a worn drum will not be the same radius as the new shoes, so you need to get the shoes radiused. Most brake shops have the machine for this, but can be nasty about bike brakes as the setup has to be changed to fit the tiny shoes if they even have the proper shoe holder tooling for them. The brake will be weak and grabby with shoes that aren't the same radius as the drum.
Moral - if the rear brake works and the shoes have a few mm of good lining then clean them up and re-use the old stuff.