The Quarter from hell. No department chair...Closing 40% of the departments @ the school (yes mine is one of them, so I am on the fast track to get out) and being pulled in several different directions for the last few months...
Well anyway getting my @$$ whuped by the CSS PHP SQL APACHE beating, and the blogs and websites are not doing what I know they, in their empty souls, are meant to do. The wife and child are on vacation, I decide I will go take a ride and clear my head. Two hours later I tracked down the short in the taillight, fixed the tach, and replaced a good stop switch with a good stop switch. And I did not roll an inch, at all.
I have it great. There are rewards to doing for youself when learning, it just takes a good @$$ kicking sometimes to knock you into shape. I enjoy what I am learning everyday, no matter what it is. Just sometimes... sometimes you wish it did not seem like you were on the wrong end of the @$$ kicking all of the time.
Gotta face the firing squad. I hope they gave them all bullets, Im going down fightin'.
Thanks for the rant,