Hey, can we be fair here? First, that is ONE BEAUTIFUL BIKE! With the exception of "why are you selling", he answered all of your questions in the description (maybe he's revised it since you saw it last?), and the bike IS priced right -- damned cheap if you ask me.
If I were him, I would not be willing to waste much time with pre-inspections that, in my experience, are usually either tire-kickers looking for free test rides on the cool bike, or end up being low-ball "but I've got cash" offers. In my experience, low-ball offers always start with "why are you selling?", and usually are made on bikes that are already relatively cheaply priced (easier targets in low-ballers' minds) like this one. Low-ballers seem to get it in their heads that the seller is desperate if he's not already asking top dollar. Unfortunately, he probably listed it cheap because he didn't want to play those games.
Doesn't Ebay have processes in place to reverse falsely described auctions (that can be substantiated)? I've never had to use them, luckily. Has anyone else?