I am a IT engineer for a very large credit card bank. Lately the higher-ups have been pushing this "get to know your co-worker" crap. We have to build our own personal website for each site, posts pics of us, and write brief summarys of our life, what we like to do, and so forth. I have seen some of the other sites pages and let me just say this.....boring! Since the three of us in my site all ride, I thought our team photo could be on our bikes. I kinda stick out of the group a little....

CB750 K5..........................................Honda CBR 900RR......................................Yamaha FJR1300
After we posted this pic, my boss decided to get into the fun. This is what he emailed us and the pic he attached:
"Nice bikes guys, I suited up this morning to head to work and thought of you all.. Maybe we could get together for a bike trip sometime, though I've been getting pretty poor mileage lately, would be quite a few stops on the way down I think."