Author Topic: Do You Listen to Internet Radio?  (Read 537 times)

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Offline Klark Kent

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Do You Listen to Internet Radio?
« on: June 23, 2007, 12:25:37 PM »
I have been out of touch with civilization for the past three months so i didnt know about this, but apparently the RIAA is trying to squeeze internet radio pretty hard, as in harder than they already are in an effort to eliminate it from their market.  Right now i am listening to bands i have never heard before for free, being entertained and informed, as well as generating royalties for the bands i decide to listen to on  This, admittedly one-sided, article explains what the relationship between the industry and internet radio has been like, and i tend to agree with it that public outcry could and should be used to say this is not cool.

if you listen to music for free on the internet and value it as a source for not just free music (if y ou dont count the cost of computer and internet connection) but as music you would not have heard otherwise for any price. you should write a letter to or call your representatives asking them to, in between passing symbolic resolutions, put a leash on these rabid music industry fat cats, bent on stamping out all that is not profit generating about the creation and consumption of music. 

seriously, right now i am listening to 'Runaway Train' by the Clarence Mack Express on it's awesome.  i never would have heard it without internet radio.  i'm off to send a couple form letters.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 03:54:00 PM by Klark Kent »

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Re: Do You Listen to Internet Radio?
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2007, 12:37:37 PM »
We listen to it here, ok the wife does during the day but I did all the searches for
the stations etc.... Great source of a wide variety, something you don't find in
canned commercial radio at all. In fact I generally get pretty fed up with
canned radio in the vehicles after they've gone through their 10 song play list
the 3rd or so time ::)

I'll fire one at my reps and thanks for the heads up!


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Re: Do You Listen to Internet Radio?
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 06:49:46 AM »
I have actually done so already. It is a bunch of bull. Only internet radio has to pay the increased royalties. Just one more way for the RIAA to make more money and push what THEY think we should listen too. Also keeps us in the US blind to all the music from around the world. I must say that I think the USA is SERIOUSLY musically challenged.  But the more the RIAA can keep us from discovering new stuff, the more that can push their rap and pop garbage.