Ok.... '72 CB500 & '76 CB550 collectively known as the elbow grease specials... are finally ready for paint. Both were pretty rough to begin with, so that, coupled with a lack of proper funds dictated that they weren't going to be restorations. Instead, I'm going with the current cafe-styled craze.
Anyway, I have 2 bikes to paint... I was thinking of a dark navy/midnight blue with some ivory/creme racing stripes for one.... and maybe just a good 'ol jet black for the other. But now, I'm undecided.... one could be Honda red or I've even considered an ol school black with yellow/orange/red w/ blue tips & pinstripe flame job for one of them.... Is that compleste blaspheme sp? for the cafe style ? I'm an old hotrod guy at heart so I'm pretty good at my flame jobs...
Question is: Both of these will be sold to finance my dream CB750. Do you think that a flame job would cut down the people likely to buy a cafe-styled bike ? Plain old black always seems like an easy color to sell. Any suggestions comment are very much welcome. Am going to buy the paint Friday & hope to have them shot by the 4th of July. Thanks in advance.
1 other note - these are the mock-ups, but you get the idea....