Happiness is not in the amount of money you make in your job.
You will not find gratification in making more money. The majority of people live about 5-10% above their means, regardless of the amount of money you bring in.
Here's the catch, if you get a job that brings in a considererable amount of income, but is mind numbingly boring, it is much more difficult to go back to making less but being happier. I call this the "Golden Handcuffs". Add a wife and kids and your life just became complicated.
The best advice I can give you is find a focus and go for it. Do NOT waste you time and money going to school without a goal in mind and some knowledge on how to obtain it.
Doing manual labor seems like it sucks, taking #$%* from your boss seems like it's ass.
Try sitting behind a desk everyday, writting reports, and being the boss. You'll wish everyday that you were back in the trenches. There is good reason white collar jobs pay what they do.
I spend 13 years in the military, all of it in Naval Special Warfare. I got to see the world and employ "foreign policy" in bad guy land on a few occasions. I've seen the best and worst. It was an education no college would ever be able to provide, no matter how much money you poured into it. The military is not for everyone, it's long hours, you are held responsible for your duties and actions, the pay is #$%*, and your freedoms are largely revoked. That being said, it is the best experience and education I could have ever had. Nothing else has ever come close in comparison to the efficency, responsiblity and experiences. Don't discount this as an option, it can set you up for life.
I just about didn't make it through HS, but in just about every military class I took, I made honour man. I had no interest in Calculus, Trig, or Algerbra in HS, in the military, there was a direct reason and purpose to it (charge calculations, angle shooting, etc..) so I excelled in it.
I later tried to go to college, but quickly lost interest in it. There simply was no application to what I was studying, a complete waste of time and money.
Find your dream, what really makes you happy, and drive twords that. Find out what it would take to do what you want most. Research your goals.
If I knew then what I know now, my life would be a bit different, (not much, just a bit).
BTW, don't be afraid to move, leave you hometown, or take a chance. You are young, it is good to change your perspective.