We seem to have a great deal to say about this young mans future.
First off, read all this again. It will start to open those points of view that only come with EXPERIENCE. And that my friend is a valuable EDUCATION.
My education was always based on KNOWLEDGE being power. If you had to choose between a plumber who knew Greek and one who did not, you would always choose the former.
It shows interest, understanding, accomplishment, and an awareness for the world around you. The ability to assimilate those into a life is important, if not a necessity.
I am 39 and in round two of college for Graphic Design. Round one provided a B.A. in Philosophy with a minor in Sculpture/Art (where I learned how to weld of all things) .
I have worked in restaurants since I was 15 and had many jobs ( see the job post from a while back). Money will not calm your soul if the job is killing it.
Outside influences ( e.g. your friends who make gobs of money. See the grass is always greener..) are your blessing or curse. Those people have problems and fears. You just don't see that now. You will.
I see fellow students who are following the right path, but hoping for some magic revelation without understanding the goal they have, or even setting themselves up to achieve it.
College was and is great. The people you meet and the atmosphere are not found many other places at all.
But there is a difference in the for profit and the not for profit college and the benefits and drawbacks are manifold.
Having said that, education is where you find it, and if you keep your eyes open, it will find you.
As for the "REAL" world. Crap! It is THE world. A day job makes you no more or less a member of the world, just one of the day job majority. There are plenty of people working nights and weekends, outside of conventional "norms" getting on with their lives doing what they do to suit themselves. Working five jobs, be it out of need, or pleasure, people are doing what has to be done. Screw what hour they do it, and whether your friend, mom, dog, thinks it is "real" or not. When it comes to it, you are the one looking at yourself in the mirror when you get up. If you like what you see, you are on your way.
You are in a special position since at this young age you are clearly concerned about your future. That is a good fear, a great motivator, and one you can do something about. Just remember change is a catalyst for innovation. If you do not see an example of something you want to follow, be your own. You have a great deal of support here, and that is a start.
a few more thoughts before I end the ramble:
As for following your muse, making your hobby your job, well I have seen that sword cut both ways, and it works for some and not for others. No fun? No Point? Stop!
It is like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer, it feels so good when you stop.
Money is meant to be spent.
A Muddy Waters quote I recall all the time " you can't spend what you ain't got, you cant loose what you ain't never had."
It is better to regret something you have done than something you have not done.
Spend more time on what YOU think, less on what others might think about you. One you know, the other you wil never truly know.
Dont be afraid to fall, gravity is always there, and if you have the will, you can get up.
Also, if you are in Orlando there is a Motorcycle Mechanics Institute near there, right? Take the time and invest in yourself.