Author Topic: blonde nurse  (Read 964 times)

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blonde nurse
« on: June 27, 2007, 01:09:30 AM »
A man goes to the doctor for his annual finger wave. He dreads it, but knows he has to have the procedure done.

He is led to the examination room and shortly afterwards, a blonde nurse enters the room and leaves a number of items, and then leaves.

The man notices she left a box of latex gloves, a jar of KY jelly and a beer.

After the doctor walks into the examination room, the man says:

Hey doc, I am puzzled. I know what the latex gloves and the KY jelly is for, but what's with the beer??"

The doctor says nothing as he opens the door and then yells down the hall towards the nurses station: "Damn it, I said a butt light"
1978 CB750K8; 1970 CB450