There are a few decent aluminum colored paints, as for the brushed look, I -think- you could duplicate the look using the same techniques they use for wood graining. Need to do a search for that though, some can be done so well that there is NO visual evidence that it's not real wood grain you're seeing, they sell graining rollers for that, but the best work is done with combs
I think if you approached it with two slightly different colored paints, spray the darker on, let it dry, then spray the lighter on and then brushed it lightly with a wide paint brush and afterwards sprayed it with clear you'd have a good effect. If you look at painted woodwork you'll see the brush strokes normally done by accident because there isn't enough paint on the brush, that's the look you want to produce on purpose, the clear is so it doesn't look or feel the same way.
Though I think if I wanted to duplicate the brushed aluminum look on a steel panel, I would brush the steel first then paint it with a couple light coats of the best aluminum paint I could find.