Thanks Bob,
Ur very kind.....
I have only this pic so far of the bike as I am buying it blind (Am I mad?) from a guy in the UK.

I hope my photo's aren't too big, please advise if I need to make them smaller.....
So the bike looks good and has a good service history as far as I can tell, it's a shame that the badges and decals are missing so I have already ordered these from Canada of all places, god knows why but there you go, the correct badges for the tank were a bugger to track down for the blue model but I got there in the end......
So I am really looking forward to her arriving and being able to get on with the servicing, new tyres etc.
If anyone has any good hints, tips, advice, in fact anything at all for the 550F please let me know, or in fact anything I need to do maintenance wise before going out riding.....
all the best,