Well, the bike started rough again today. Got 'er going. ran okay. drove about 30 miles, did okay. Started to sputter, abit and bucked really bad in 1st/2nd untill I got on it pretty hard. Missed a few fires. Did alittle better going 55. Hit the next exit and sputtered again in 1st pretty hard, than stalled. Couldn't get it started. It would start for a minute sound horrible and die.
A few notes:
'77 CB750K
Carbs are clean, close to synced and running a fuel filter.
Battery dies pretty quick when it I use the electric start.
Lights don't get brighter when the bike starts or revs.
It will start and run for a minute and die for 5-10. Start and die: repeat.
I'm thinking a may have a bum battery. Or possibly a generator.
I really think its an electrical issue, for what it's worth.
So poor SweetPea is hanging out at a gas station in the city for the night...
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Kevin, sorry for your troubles. I just put my bike on the road, and was having some fuel and ignition issues. The carbs need to be synced, the jets are too lean, and the timing is not steady, it has a little "jump" every so often. Like you I had a fuel filter. I woudl ride it, and it would starve for fuel. Pull the line off, no fuel, then a second later fuel. Put the line back on, ride the bike for a block, (had to kick start it), and then no fuel again. This went on for a while, and it started getting REALLY bad. Wind it up to 5 grand, try to ease the clutch out, and it would stall! Turns out I had a blown fuse in my charging circuit. The battery was dying and I had not idea. It was broad daylight, and I could not see my lights from on the bike. I have since installed a volt gauge. Got a cheap one at Murray's, $19. The thing that really fooled me is I did know I had some carb and ignition trouble, and electrical trouble can mimic fuel or ignition trouble.
If it were me, I would put the battery on a charger until it would spin that motor over like a top. Then I would test the charging circuit. By the time you hit 4K, it should be putting out all it can. I recently had to set the core gap and point gap, (as well as clean the points and external connections), on my regulator. Seems to have helped the output.