40 years ought to seem like a long time, but looking back on it I remember the day I bought the 750 like it was last week. I've told the story elsewhere in this thread so no need to repeat it. Jerry has had his for longer and a few others on the forum have theirs that they bought new. So not unheard of, but it still seems amazing to me to contemplate riding the same bike for 40 years with no overhaul, and no major problems. I said it before, if somebody had told me the day I picked the bike up that I would still be riding it almost daily in 2017 I would have laughed at the idea. Hell, weren't we all supposed to be flying aircars by now? Yet here I am. Seems unreal in a way, yet the bike has been so good I take for granted it will always be there when I want it. I expect it to take me to Colorado and back in August. Taking that for granted too.
Anyway, to celebrate the momentous occasion, I took it for a little ride this morning. I didn't have a lot of time so I just went up Bogus Basin Road to see if I could get some decent photos. Kind of hazy but I'll put a few up.
And by the way, selling price is now $158,266. It will cost more tomorrow.