I have had the Anodised parts on my 400 refinished and though I would share some pictures and info on the subject.
Strip down
Always best to strip them down in a small box, so when the springs catapult the small ball bearings they don't go into orbit.
The right hand kill switch circuit board has to be un soldered no amount of wiggling will get it though the casing.
Take pictures of the internal wire clamp positions.
Removal of finish
1,Degrease and remove finish with strong solution of caustic soda ( outside with mask and gloves it's nasty stuff and gets very hot). only takes a few seconds to remove so have some tongs ready
2,take them to the anodisers and get them to strip them

First part of polishing is to re scribe the START letting on the right hand switch. This lettering is lightly stamped and will disappear if you get to heavy handed with the mop.
This finish doesn't have to have a mirror finish, the material used and quality of the casting will not give a mirror like coating. Only the master cylinder cap will. just get all the dents out as the process is only 5 Mu thick.

Easy part take part to local plant and wait for phone call. Finish I had was just black, not hard black anodising as it costs more and is not required.
I live in Dorset and use Keraplate in Wareham. They have a 1 week turnaround, they do all of Talons work (CNC motocross wheel hubs). They do not mail order though. Cost was £48 and that is their minimum charge. I didn't have any thing else to put in so it does look expensive for the parts I had done. But using modern dyes the finish should be better than OEM ones.

AS long as you remember where all the balls and springs go they are not to bad to do. Check that you don't bridge the terminals when soldering the kill switch, and getting the circlip on the kill switch shaft is good for a laugh.
Up to you really but I used Vallejo 70956 light orange model paint comes in a small 17 ML bottle.