Well, just got back from the doctors office. I had another MRI done last week and the Doc says it isn't good news.
It seems the Tarsa is deteriorating and not providing the support fot the Tibia, thereby making my ankle extremely unstable. Many of you will remember my postings last year about the surgeries I went through.
Well, there are a couple of option I am looking at. First, more surgery, but this time to rebuild the Tarsa, which means a lot more pain and at least a couple more years on disability to recover and reknit the Tarsa bone. Second option, a bone graft placed endoscopically, but this has about a 20% chance of success, and will leave me permanently disabled at about 60% of normal. Third, declaring me permanent total disabled leaving me with about 15% function and continuing degradation of the Tarsa bone.
The blue portion of the Tarsa is the part that I am missing, it has degraded that far.
Helluva option list, eh?