You know, some folks don't really understand how anyone could get so wrapped up in a pet.

Thing is,
They are the one's who haven't got a clue just what they are missing.

Over the years, I've had several pets (cats, dogs and one skunk) that have passed on. Oh we definitely miss them but, it seems like circumstances arise that brings another one into our life and we grow to have special feelings for them also (each and every one has a special place in our heart.
burma, We sure are glad that
You are one of those pet lovers and that you're still with us too!! My wife went into depression back around 97'. We had to deal with our daughter's seizure problem from when she was 11 months old until she was 18 years old (she went into the Children's Hospital in Little Rock in 96' and they removed the left tempral lobe of her brain and now she mainly has Anxiety problems and in some ways, she's about 12yrs or so, even though she was 29 last Jan. Even though it got me down, I managed to stay focused enough to keep things going and get her some help. Our pets, God and good doctors (not necessarily in that order) did it for us too! Thanks foe sharing.
Later on, Bill