Author Topic: Help!!! Aluminum shavings in oil pan, What could be the cause????  (Read 3158 times)

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I'm new to the site and have found tons of great info that's helped me restore my '74 cb750k, Thanks to all!!!. Here's my problem I have aluminum shavings in my oil pan, I've pulled the pan 3x and have shavings all 3x. Heres some history, I recently installed a wesco 836 and a web cam 41a into a 78 750k lower end with only 6000 miles on it ( the motor was spotless on the inside). I used the stock clutch basket assembly with heavier springs,but I screwed up and used a clutch cover off the 74 because it looked better. There was a little nub on the back of that cover that was rubbing against the clutch basket, so I assumed this was the culprit, I cleaned everything up, changed the basket from a 78f and put the 78 cover back on. I pulled the oil pan cleaned that and the screen and also changed the oil and filter. Ran it around the block, and to make sure all is well,pulled the pan and did all the steps again!! more shavings. I thought this was remaining from the clutch basket incident. I changed the oil and filter again, ran it for a while and figured it was done with. Tonight I noticed a oil leak underneath, and discovered ther was a hairline crack where the drain plug goes, so off comes the pan again, To my surprise and horror there was more aluminum shaving. The motor runs strong with no wierd noises, knocks or anything, The carbs have been syncd, timing set, cam chain tensioner set etc. The only thing besides the aluminum shaving, is the trans is hard to get into neautral. Could this be residue shavings from the cluch incident? or do you think I have a bigger problem? It's hard to say how much shavings there were, but I would guess about a half a teaspoon each time in the pan and then the small glitter like particles in the oil and filter.Thanks in advance for your help with this.

Chris in Ramsey

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Re: Help!!! Aluminum shavings in oil pan, What could be the cause????
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2005, 04:50:24 AM »
Depender836, your'e about to become Bigspender836 as it's time to pull your lump and tear it down. With that ammount of shavings 3X there is no way it will self-heal. Sorry.

Offline mcpuffett

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Re: Help!!! Aluminum shavings in oil pan, What could be the cause????
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2005, 11:59:08 AM »
yep that amount of shavings 3x does'nt sound good?   :-\ how big was this nub? was it big enough to make that amount of shavings? mick.
Honda CB750 KO 1970,   Honda VTX 1300 2006, Lancaster England.


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Re: Help!!! Aluminum shavings in oil pan, What could be the cause????
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2005, 01:15:27 PM »
Thanks for the response, I can use all the help I can get. This has been a 6 month project ( my wife calls it my obsession).I basically went through everything on the bike except splitting the cases,but I had every cover off and changed all the seals. The nub by itself is not big enough to make all the shavings, but it was rubbing against the clutch face ( the part the springs bolt to) It chewed up that pretty good, so between the two that would be enough to cause that amount. The thing that puzzles me, is I've cleaned every thing completely before I put it back together. Give you a little bit more history, I heard it when I first fired it up, but I thought it was the clutch raising cane,since I just put a new cam in it and they want you to break it in for 15 mins at 2500rpm that's what I did . I wire tied the clutch lever in, (it quieted down considerable) and continue to moniter the oil pressure which stayed around 45 psi. The major part of the shavings are in the rounded corner of the pan, right under the kick start gear where the oil pump gear goes. I even took the oil pump off the first time and replaced it with one off a good 750, in fear that it might have shavings in it, I cleaned everything up and intsalled it with new o-rings. I also have a oil cooler on it that comes off the return side and follows the back bone, I'm going now to pull the pan and check out the cooler to see what shavings are there. I know this whole situation is not good, and is very heart breaking at best, but I'm hoping for the best. If something is wrong with it, I'll most likely walk away from it, and re group in the winter. Any input is much appreciated. Thanks

Offline cben750f0

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Re: Help!!! Aluminum shavings in oil pan, What could be the cause????
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2005, 05:16:37 PM »
this may sound like a dum question, but did you clean all your parts from the machine shop, b4 you put it back together, making sure to run compressed air though all the holes forward and backwards....just a thought... could be swarf from the machine shop that has stayed in oil galleries... which again is a total pull down and clean out.... sorry to say..peace
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