Doing like this works for me.
1. unscrew the 2 bolts holding the aitfilterbox and move it ½ inch backwards
2 remove carb to airbox rubbers completely
3. wipe carb to inlet rubbers with silicone to lubricate and ease the mounting of the carbs
4. tie luggage strap around carbs - cylinders - se picture.
5 heat inlet rubbers with at heat blower or hairdryer.
6 tighten luggagestrap and suddently the carbs snap on the boot rubbers.
7 mount carb to airbox rubbers in the airbox
8 with your fingers and a small scredriver mount the other side of the airbox rubbers to the carbs
9 tighten down all metal bands
10 remount airbox bolts, filter etc.
Sit back and enjoy doing a job that took 20 min