the 72 tach has a round piece coming from the bottom about an inch and a quarter long where it attaches to the cable. it attaches to a bottom plate by two tiny screws, and attaches to the bike by a clamp. it has a blue face.the tach on my 75 is belived to be originaly from a 550, it has a rectangular piece about half inch high where it ataches to the cable,it has two studs coming from the bottom where it attachs to a chrome bottom cover. that attaches to the gauge plate by two small bolts, it has a green face. I hooked up the cable to the 72 tach and it worked, so it has the correced gear i have the correct set up for my bike, or has somebody changed it a one a latter model 750 tach the same as the one i removed from the bike, so i can drop it in. has anybody got a correct tach for my bike that they will sell or trade for the 72, or 550 tach or both. or does someone want to buy the 72 tach.