Forgive me, but my only experience has been with dismantling my 650Z, so when new parts arrive in the post they don't necessarily look anything like the bit I took off due to PO's changing bits, or puttting things together wrong, or whatever. OK excuses over.
In my gasket set there are 4 rings that look like a felt or wadding material wrapped with a gold wire. Now they are (obviously?) exhaust gaskets. Question is, there was nothing like these that came out when I removed the old exhaust, just a copper ring (in fact 2 copper rings on some ports!!!)
I like the look of these felt gaskets, but is that all I need? Or do you use copper ones? As well, or instead?
Sorry, might seem a dumb question, but I can only go by what came off when I pulled it apart. And it weren't these little babies.
thanks for your help, Phil