Eldar, I just told you my solution. If you want people to improve themselves, don't take away their incentive to work, and to improve themselves, by giving them money-for-nothing. EVERYTHING else will begin to improve from there.
Sorry Eldar, you are not qualified to discuss how successful Guiliani was as mayor of New York City. I am, however, as I lived in NYC for most of his tenure as mayor, and saw dramatic improvements in quality of life, crime rates, etc. Don't forget, he was overwhelmingly re-elected by the people of the City of New York after his first highly successful term in office. The cops are pissed because he didn't give them the big raises that they asked for. How do I know? My best friend is a cop in the Bronx, and I have several relatives who are cops, Lieutenants, Captains, etc. Also, Mike Bloomberg has been mayor since 2001, not Giuliani. Also, Giuliani was named Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" in 2001, and he was subsequently knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his excellent handling of the 9/11 crisis. All through 9/11/2001, he was a "lame duck".
Then what is your solution oh great ed? I see you have none. I also see you like to lump everyone together into groups even though you are clearly talking out your ass. Who are the good-for-nothings? Those who cant make it even through no fault of their own? They are also leaches just cause you think they are?
Then you go to raise up one of the worst mayors in NYC history? You will notice his campaign is slipping down. It seems as though the REAL heroes of 9/11, the firefighters, have NOTHING good to say about Giuliani. How are you going to put people to work if they have no skills? Teach them? How do you do that? School maybe, which they cant afford and so would require tax money to operate? Do you get where this is going? If you do not prepare them in school, you have to do it in the work force. BOTH of which require tax money. You cant get away from it. Or do you volunteer to teach these people and not get paid for it?
It is impossible to stop welfare altogether as you wish. All you will do is create more homeless and then we would need to spend more on police then to combat the homeless issue.
You and dennis seem to not be able to think past your own front door. Try looking down the road and following the logical and proven paths and you will see this.
Dennis, I went to school in a small town. They depended on federal funding. When more came in, it was spent wisely and that little town has a very high graduation rate and very high academic standards. Most schools require a 65-70% to pass. This town set it to 75% and we probably had less than a 10% drop out rate.
Gee looks like more spending works there when done wisely. If it cant work in your area, maybe it is not the kids, maybe it is the adults that are defective.