There is a couple schools of thought on the oil temp.
One is to know what temp oil is being supplied to the engine components, such as the main oil gallery, after the filter (which is finned to cool the oil). This is good to know, so that the oil is within it's operating temperature when it is doing its work. If the oil is too cold, the driver can then know not to pound on the engine, 'til the oil can do it's best work in the proper heat range. If it is too hot, the operator can save the engine by backing off on the power and engine flail.
The other is to know how hot the oil gets anywhere is the system.
Heat can destroy the beneficial properties of oil. Knowing how hot it EVER gets, tells the operator to change the oil after an overtemp is determined.
The oil return from engine to the oil tank on the 750 is where the oil should be it's hottest, having just been heated by the engine. However, the scavenge pump also sucks air and foams the oil a bit. This can make true temperature sensing problematic. The oil tank does a bit of oil cooling, then it is pumped to the oil filter (more cooling), then it goes to the main oil gallery.
Where do you want to monitor the oil temp?