All week long, I wait for Saturday.... Some Saturdays, I ditch the chores and just go ride... Other Saturdays, I cut the grass and clean the house, and long country rides are my rewards for work well done.
Yesterday, I hit the road and soon noticed that there weren't many motorcycles on the back roads of Southeast Louisiana. After a couple of miles, I realized why. The population of love bugs have grown exponentially, and they all seem to flock to the rural areas.
I rode about 35 miles despite the disgustingly gross little boogers. I cut my ride short because the ride just got too disgusting plus I could barely see through my face shield. I came home to find the damned bugs all in my hair, in my shirt, in my bra.... EVERYWHERE... like sand when you go to the beach, every-friggin-where you can imagine the bugs. Ugh, my beloved Saturday, what happened? I was cheated! I want my Saturday back minus the love bugs!
Later on, after parking my bike, I went into town in my car to run errands. I saw all the bikes in the city. I thought to myself, "yeah, I know why everyone is staying in the city... because those friggin bugs aren't in the city.... but that's no way to ride."
I mean, I do not spend all week waiting for Saturday just to get on the street and be stopped by traffic and red lights. If that were the case, I would ride my bike to work more often than I do. Traffic in Baton Rouge is a nightmare. Truckers have rated Baton Rouge the #1 worst city to drive in. Yes, we are even ranked higher than Los Angeles!!!
I might try to fit in a ride today... but I have been knocking the idea around about painting my spare tank... So I might not get to fit in a ride today.
I want my Saturday back!!!
Damned love bugs...