Author Topic: goldwing vs. airhead beemer  (Read 4678 times)

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goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« on: July 14, 2007, 10:55:46 PM »
So, I have a cb750 cafe racer, with an airtech solo seat and my wife and kid are really starting to pester me about taking them for rides. When I bought the thing it had a full windjammer and massive seat and of course at the time nobody trusted it enough to get on it with me (I paid $400 for it). Now that it is rebuilt of course everyone wants a ride.

 Anyway I am thinking of getting another bike for longer hauls with a passenger. I can only stand the clubmans for an hour or so, so it is totally a city bike, solo seat notwithstanding. I mentioned this to her a couple of months ago to let it percilate and lo and behold she gives me a "touring europe by motorcycle" book a couple of days ago. (We are moving to england in amonth and a half, and the 750 is going with us) So Hurrah !!! That is a green light to start thinking of what to get next!!

 Now a few years back in New Orleans I used to own a BMW R75/6 and while it had its issues, I was poor and patching things up rather than "fixing" things. When it did run well it was a very nice bike to be on. And of course R series airheads are well known to be good touring bikes. And they have the "cool older bike" pinach that I absolutely require. So I am looking at them.

 But, and there is always a but, I have also always liked the look of the very early Goldwings. The non faired models, first couple of years of production. And of course they are a good deal cheaper than a BMW. So my question (finally!!) is, who knows what about them? Are they reliable in the same way the cb750 is? Wich is really more "its reliable considering its age" I suppose, but still. Are ther good and bad years? Is it a wiring nightmare under the pretend gas tank? Or, are they solid, reliable, and comfortable bikes?

 Good points? bad points? Am I off my rocker?

 And before you say it, I know another cb750 in standard trim would be a good choice as well, but if I get to own more than one bike, I would rather have different models.

 So any input would be great, I know a few of you must have owned one of these at some point, and I bet a few still do.

Living the American dream (in England).

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2007, 11:07:48 PM »
Well, just to complicate things; you might want to see if you can pick up in England a later (last year was '02 I think) Triumph Trophy.  Folks I've spoken too really like touring on them.  I like my Sprint ST, but the Trophy is a little more of a tourer from what I can tell.

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2007, 05:24:03 AM »
Tough choice there.  Both similar, both so different. 
They're both about the same as far as "dependability" goes and by now that factor depends much more on how the individual bike was kept up.
The BMW will be (can't believe I'm saying this) a little lighter.  The Honda a little smoother -but they're both smooth really. 
Check a Gold Wing club about parts availability.  Otherwise, it's all you.  I know which one I'd pick...
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2007, 09:13:29 AM »
another thing is that the gw parts might be easier to find and maybe cheaper. I dont know for sure but that is what you will really want to look at.

Offline Blaize

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2007, 03:35:44 PM »
Thanks for the input, keep it coming.

 I think I may be leaning towards the BMW as it is a much simpler machine. I did sort of know I would get a biased opinion here, but if the right wing comes along then you never know. My real fear is that with a wing I am going to have a complicated water cooled engine, and always wish I got the 2 cyl pushrod instead. and I think the beemer, being a little lighter on its feet, may be better for crummy roads. And god knows what I will encounter bombing around mainland europe, not to mention southern england.

 I had actually presumed that the BMW parts would be easier to find, but on the other hand I am going to be living within driving distance of DSS. And of course I am more of a honda fan anyway.

 Of course I am still 2-3 months from even begining the search but I am going back and forth about every 10 minites or so.
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2007, 04:12:54 PM »
I've always drooled over the early wings.  And one hotlick mod was a manifold that allowed a single 2 or 4 barrel carb!
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2007, 08:06:57 PM »
I know what you mean about the CB750; when the others want a ride.

Two up (2 people), the CB is not that comfortable over a long haul or bumpy city roads. For that reason, I picked up a 1982 Goldwing Interstate. I wanted the fairing and the ablility to put stuff in the trunk. The faring keeps my backstrain at a minimal at higher speeds. My wife likes it too. I must admit, the CB is more fun around town, though.

You can pick up a Goldwing cheap, meaning $1500 and up that will meet state inspection standards. They run like a car. Parts are cheap on ebay and some stuff is really nice. I got mine from Craigslist locally. Better to see/ride the bike and make a good decision. If you trust the ebay seller, some bikes are interesting there.

The downside of the Goldwings are they are a pain in the ass to work on; unlike a CB.

Beemers are nice too but an old boxer is like having the CB to me. The early ones I rode had a torque lift during acceleration and pinged alot with anything but the best gas. The later Beemers are better to me but then they seem more like a Goldwing with all the stuff. I suspect the Beemer is lighter in weight. A place called "Duncan's Beemers" is near me in Maynard Mass, he sells alot of used Beemers.

Either bike probably a good choice for you. Buy the best condition you can unless you enjoy projects.

Offline Blaize

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2007, 01:11:26 AM »
I am a member of this forum.......I LOVE PROJECTS!!!!!!
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2007, 06:34:56 PM »
Then buy a project Goldwing. Much more difficult to work on.

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2007, 08:55:01 PM »
oops....wrong thread....I thought someone was dragging "Brimmer" from behind a bike ;D

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2007, 10:58:36 PM »
oops....wrong thread....I thought someone was dragging "Brimmer" from behind a bike ;D

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2007, 11:52:01 AM »
As an owner of both Goldwings (GL1000) and BMW (R90).....

Long rides on both bikes of the same vintage? Hands down Goldwing.

Ease of maint.? BMW.

Price of parts? Goldwing.

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2007, 01:44:31 PM »

looks like a cafe racer, but with a more comfy seat... not a bad idea :)
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Offline Blaize

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2007, 03:08:23 PM »
Yes but asside from the whole timing belt dance, wich one needs more attention so to speak?
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2007, 11:36:34 PM »
Timing belts are dead simple and should not intimidate.

The carbs however are substantially harder to repair and tune then either the CB750 slide carbs or the Bing's on a Bemmer. Plus there are four rather than two.

Lots of wings out there suffering from poor carbs.
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2007, 10:16:01 AM »
Most old Goldwings run great at high speed.

Slow speed jets are the problem with Goldwing 1100s. Just getting the carbs off the bike is a chore.

Buy a good running bike.

Offline Blaize

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2007, 10:39:42 PM »
Well, against my better judgment I think I will look for a barely running GL1000. I find if you have to work to get it back on the road, you end up with a better machine in the end. I don't want to buy a "good one" and than spend damn near the ame money making sure everything is right, when I can buy a basketcase and know it needs it all. and this way I will end up knowing more about how it all works.

 And I think the wing's are prettier than the BMW's anyway
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2007, 07:14:12 AM »
Also, see if the Goldwing has a rattle during idle. Could carbs or could be worn primary chains that don't have a tensioner like the CB750. I am concerned about that now. My Wing rattles.

Offline Blaize

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2007, 05:56:49 PM »
Hey thanks for the link to randakks. VERY interesting reading. I just blew 2 hours pouring over all of it. Now I am sure I am going to go with a wing, knowing there is good info and a decent parts supplier for them. That can make all the difference in the world.

 And just to clarify, while I can appreciate the benefits of the full dresser bikes, I am only interested in the gl1000's and the spoke wheel years at that. At 31 I am afraid i still need to look cool on it. And I don't want it "that"  heavy either. I had no idea those things in the 80's were pushing 800 pounds!!! no wonder they needed a reverse gear.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 06:05:20 PM by Blaize »
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2007, 07:59:25 AM »
Good choice on the spoke early wing. I think they will be more easy to work on. They say that putting GL1100 carbs on a GL1100 wakes up the bike.

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2007, 08:16:46 PM »
They say that putting GL1100 carbs on a GL1100 wakes up the bike.


(I also find a bike runs better with the carbs on...)   ;D

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2007, 05:26:20 AM »
GL 1100 have four air-valves versus one on the GL 1000 carbs. Yea, they run much better on the bike..........if the bike is functional.

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2007, 09:56:43 PM »
I've worked on various GL1000s, 1100s, and 1200s belonging to friends.  I have grown to detest the things.  No offense to those that like Gold Wings, but give me an airhead Beemer any day.  If I could have only one bike, I'd keep my R100GS-PD. 

kghost's Wing is cool, tho.
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2007, 05:58:26 PM »
There are times when I detest my Goldwing too. However, on a long ride, you grow to love them.

I want to get that Goldwing single carb conversion. 4 suck.


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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #24 on: July 24, 2007, 06:01:47 PM »
well as much as i like the goldwing i have got to say the airhead beemer is about the most indestructible bike ever built i think with the exception of some of the transmissions, (an easy fix)

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2007, 06:51:11 PM »
I must be the lucky one. I have owned my 81 Wing since 81. Never a problem with anything. Yes, I have changed fork seals and rebuilt the master cylinders, but that is all. Of course it only has 32,000 miles on it. I have never had to clean the carbs or anything. Yes, I have sync. them and adj. valves, but really that is it. I would venture to say that those who have had a problem with the old Wings, is because they got one that had been sitting and neglected. You would have the same problems with a BMW. I has been as easy or easier to maintain for me then the 750 K3, and that has been like a pet rock.

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2007, 07:59:23 PM »
Dave K

I tried to balance my GL1100 carbs with no success. Have you replaced the 4 air valves? I think that is my problem.

Runs great above 2000 rpm

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2007, 08:20:10 PM »
No, I have not replaced the 4 air valves. I just place the Carb Stix I own on the carbs and they are in tune. Sure, when I put the bike away for the Winter, in late Oct. or mid Nov. until April, I do put Sea Foam in the gas tank and make sure it gets into the carbs. Same as I do for the 750.

Offline Blaize

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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2007, 09:34:41 PM »
Well my Ultimate goal is a BMW GS dual sport. The big mother, what are they 1100's? But I don't have anywhere close to the money for that yet, and I need to get "her" into touring before I stand A chance of spending that kind of money once I have it. So this is a holdover bike for me.

 As I said I used to have an airhead, and funnily enough the only thing really wrong with it was a crunchy gearbox.

  Frankly, as with all of these things, I can debate it forever but it is just going to depend on whats avail in England for a reasonable amount when I start shopping. I could go either way and it is going to come down to what bikes are for sale. Enjoying the debate though.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2007, 08:45:25 AM by Blaize »
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Re: goldwing vs. airhead beemer
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2007, 02:38:11 PM »
they used to use cast gears in the gearboxes on the airheads. as for the gs, i hope your real tall, seat height is 33 inches on those. when i worked for a beemer dealer i had to get someone else to ride the gs's after i uncrated em.