Wired it up this morning. 95% there.
Got the RH control all worked out, killswitch, start button and lights. Like the UK bikes now, I no longer have the orange "running lights" on low-beam, but I really don't care that much. The "Pilot" position is the gauge lights and taillight.
However, I've got a problem with the LH control. When I have everything plugged in, I still have no horn or flash-to-pass. Now, I have a black wire left over, which I believe is a ground, but there are no ground plugs left in the wiring harness. When I unplug one of the other grounds and plug it in, I get the flash-to-pass button, but no horn. When I plug the black wire into the light green horn wire, I have no horn, but when I push the FTP button, I get horn.
There are two empty plugs, an orange with white stripe, and a light blue with white stripe. These have to do with the orange running lights, for when I plug the horn ground into one of them and press the horn button, one of the lights lights up.
What to do? I'm so close, I can taste it. Where to "find" another ground plug?