I have a 76 750 F in which I recently went through the process of jetting. When I got the bike, it had run rough due to some loose carb boots, dirty pods, and a general need of a full tuneup. It had been equipped with pod filters and a Kerker megaphone (with no baffle) by the PO and was running 122 jets. The bike had a pretty big flat spot between 3 - 5,000 rpms. I didn't really notice it until I rode a friend's 78 K model. It had much more throttle response and low end torque. I recently installed a Kerker 2 in' competition baffle, and new pods (which I have oiled), and 130 jets. I also recently rebuilt the carbs using a Keyster kit. The needle clip is in the middle position. I also lubricated the advance mechanism which wasn't moving very freely. I did a camchain adjustment, valve adjustment, and timing after the carbs were rebuilt. I also synched the carbs using a Morgan Carbtune. The bike ran very strong at this point, but would backfire a bit between 3500 rpms and 4100 rpms and on deceleration. Also, after about 70 miles of riding, the bike would start to lose some of it's mojo. Pulling the plugs revealed that the 1 and 4 plugs are getting fouled. 2 and 3 look nice and tan. My first inclination was that the timing on the 1 - 4 was off. The bike came equipped with a Dyna S. I had to adjust the 1 - 4 pickup slightly to get the advance timing correct. I took another run but still ended up fouling plugs. So now, I'm thinking that I have a bad coil. Rather than test the old coils, I decided to upgrade to new 3 ohm dyna coils with 7mm copper core wires (which I had planned on doing anyway). I swapped them out. Threw in some new plugs, and still continued to foul the 1 - 4 plugs. At this point, I'm baffled. I rechecked my floats by draining each float bowls separately. The output from each bowl matched almost exactly. I had adjusted them to spec during the carb rebuild. The bike runs really strong with new plugs until they get fouled. It doesn't emit any kind of smoke. I do notice that the bike does surge and stumble very slightly in lower gears between 3500 rpm and 4200 rpm which is also where it backfires. While this does seem like a lean condition, the plugs tell a different story. I am almost at a loss here. My next step will be to buy a compression tester and check for compression. Other than that, does anyone have any ideas?