Unless you are making the engine rev to a higher RPM or have made mechanical changes to the engine, the airflow through the engine is exactly the same as before.
Pods often change the air pressure in the carb throats such that the existing metering devices don't provide as much fuel as when using the stock air filter.
When you add choke now, it simulates the restriction of the stock air filter amd make the jets flow more fuel.
To increase the roll-on throttle response, you will have to turn the Air screws in some. If your air screws are hollow tipped, their adjustment range is limited. Once you get down to 1/2 turn out from seated, closing them further will be of little benefit. You will have to then increase the size of the slow jet and find a new Air screw setting that keeps the idle rich enough for throttle reponse, but doesn't foul spark plugs.
You may also find the midrange throttle settings effected by the loss of throat pressure differential. Raising the needles a notch clip should help that.
Finally, wide open throttle may need to be richened, also. And, a step or two larger main jet may be required, depending on how the spark plug deposits look.
I wonder how many times this topic has been discussed in this forum?