I have an Ipod, finally got my music collection on there. Want to have in my vehicle... I tried a FM frequency modulator with very poor results. Currently using an old school tape cassette do-hickie that goes from the vehicles cassette to the ipod... problem with that is - it sounds like crap when turned up LOUD. I know eventually I'm going to get a new radio/deck in my vehicle that will have some sort of direct connection to it. Anybody have one ? The guys at best buy seem to be pushing the Alpine brand. Anybody have anything the like that works well with the ipod and doesn't lose sound quality when the volume is turned up?
Eleven. Exactly. One louder.
Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?
These go to eleven.
Most importantly, what format do you import the CDs into itunes with - I mean, which one will have the best sound quality once imported/converted etc.
MP3 vs AAC etc. File size isn't an issue, I have plenty of hard drive space & the 80g ipod model. What would you suggest ?
As usual, I'm a few years behind in technology (same thing happened when I went from records to CDs - still crying over that switch) Somebody help me out with some suggestions. Thanks in advance