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It's looking good Art, It's to be hoped that muscle of of yours has healed well, ya gonna need it boy 883, the work is being done by the head master Mr Mike Rieck in MA.Sam.
Let me be the first to say.....BITE MY ASS!!!! I WANT THAT ENGINE!Man how much is that thing gonna run you? You sure the frame will hold up? Dont need you getting healed up only to lay on the throttle and twist the frame out from under you!Sure is pretty by ANY engine standards.
I just sent Art some pics of some of the polished cases dropped off tonight....beautiful work if I say so myself. Top notch. Mike
That engine! But seriously, you got the rest of your ride up to snuff? That thing will be a monster.
Polished cases are posted!
This engine may out run Chris's CR. Art
That engine is sweet. To help enlighten the uninformed, like me, would some one explain what an under cut tranny is and how it increases performance. Thanks,John
Wooohooo!! Looking amazing Art!! I bet you just cant wait to get back up here ;-). Mike was showing me the undercut tranny the other week and wow it looks great! I cant wait to hear this engine......Im sure we are all waiting keep posting those pics!cheersAndy